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Selected tickers used: ['MSFT']

We have 4 report results for MSFT, also organized by 1 group tags below ...

1. COMPARE COMPETITOR DETAIL report for CAGR_9Y_ENDING_2023 for MSFT with ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'NVDA', 'INTC', 'SPY', 'GOOGL'] Current Market Price: 409.04 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
StockMarketPrice 28.15% 25.67% 28.99% 67.39% 6.68% 9.78% 20.27%
revenue 10.42% 8.57% 23.03% 23.18% -0.33% 0.00 18.64%
revenue::cost 10.38% 7.44% 19.19% 22.56% 5.40% 0.00 20.08%
owner_earnings 11.11% 6.85% 39.85% 13.06% -31.50% 0.00 17.97%
netincome_cfo 14.10% 10.49% 71.49% 29.05% -19.43% 0.00 20.16%
cashflow::operating 11.64% 7.08% 32.30% 23.65% -6.21% 0.00 17.95%
cashflow::fcf 9.16% 7.92% 36.57% 23.25% -10.53% 0.00 21.48%
cashflow::realfcf 8.18% 7.25% 37.98% 10.60% -9.77% 0.00 22.12%
netincome 14.10% 10.49% 71.49% 29.05% -19.43% 7.34% 20.16%
operatingincome 13.75% 9.03% 81.24% 26.47% -43.30% 0.00 19.27%
grossincome 10.41% 10.21% 29.57% 23.68% -5.35% 0.00 17.65%
eps 15.49% -0.58% 25.41% 9.94% -18.01% 7.34% inf
equity 9.68% -6.29% 38.54% 19.47% 7.82% 0.00 11.80%
assets 10.16% 4.77% 28.70% 21.29% 8.50% 0.00 13.46%
ppnenet 24.81% 8.71% 31.84% 23.19% 12.59% 0.00 21.16%
capex 19.91% 1.52% 30.23% 24.50% 10.95% 0.00 12.74%
depreciation 11.48% 4.21% 29.51% 23.03% 0.68% 0.00 14.53%
sbc 16.42% 15.93% 36.12% 39.40% 12.18% 0.00 20.23%
shares -1.29% 11.12% 41.48% 17.48% -1.67% 0.00 39.58%
shares_calc -1.35% -4.45% 1.19% 0.47% -1.66% 0.00 0.07%
amortization 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.62% 0.00 inf
costs:rnd 10.16% 19.45% 28.01% 20.84% 3.73% 0.00 18.54%
costs:sm 4.13% 0.00 29.50% 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.69%
cash 16.66% 8.96% 19.69% 12.74% inf 0.00 3.05%
debt 8.25% 15.39% 24.25% 25.94% 15.27% 0.00 16.99%
interest_expense 0.00 30.82% 35.26% 43.05% 0.00 0.00 0.00
maintainence_capex 11.48% 3.64% 29.51% 23.03% 0.68% 0.00 14.53%

2. COMPARE COMPETITOR DETAIL report for CAGR_5Y_ENDING_2023 for MSFT with ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'NVDA', 'INTC', 'SPY', 'GOOGL'] Current Market Price: 409.04 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
StockMarketPrice 31.17% 38.52% 15.36% 71.78% 4.29% 13.73% 21.74%
revenue 13.94% 7.61% 19.80% 22.66% -5.21% 0.00 17.57%
revenue::cost 11.42% 5.51% 16.97% 24.45% 3.70% 0.00 17.49%
owner_earnings 16.65% 7.72% 0.64% -13.77% -54.55% 0.00 17.20%
netincome_cfo 34.29% 10.26% 24.74% 7.47% -39.72% 0.00 19.15%
cashflow::operating 14.82% 7.38% 22.56% 10.00% -17.18% 0.00 16.23%
cashflow::fcf 13.02% 9.20% 13.25% 5.53% -19.72% 0.00 24.93%
cashflow::realfcf 11.99% 8.59% -7.16% -15.28% -18.17% 0.00 28.40%
netincome 34.29% 10.26% 24.74% 7.47% -39.72% 8.17% 19.15%
operatingincome 20.35% 10.02% 24.77% 5.64% -66.87% 0.00 19.28%
grossincome 15.19% 10.68% 23.57% 21.41% -13.07% 0.00 17.64%
eps 35.22% -12.50% -32.26% -19.14% -38.56% 8.17% -33.23%
equity 20.05% -10.32% 35.90% 24.22% 8.08% 0.00 9.79%
assets 9.74% -0.73% 26.55% 29.65% 8.41% 0.00 11.57%
ppnenet 26.56% 1.14% 27.00% 30.73% 14.56% 0.00 17.60%
capex 19.30% -3.82% 31.47% 25.32% 11.15% 0.00 5.11%
depreciation 6.20% 1.11% 25.97% 50.65% 0.85% 0.00 7.91%
sbc 19.52% 15.20% 34.70% 47.27% 15.87% 0.00 19.15%
shares -0.60% -4.59% 84.78% 33.15% -1.79% 0.00 81.03%
shares_calc -0.65% -3.05% 0.99% 0.12% -1.57% 0.00 -0.55%
amortization 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.32% 0.00 inf
costs:rnd 13.05% 16.01% 24.32% 32.50% 3.45% 0.00 16.23%
costs:sm 5.43% 0.00 26.29% 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.32%
cash 23.77% 2.95% 18.24% -3.27% inf 0.00 7.56%
debt -9.13% 0.50% 19.94% 40.72% 13.32% 0.00 27.00%
interest_expense 0.00 4.70% 17.56% 33.84% 0.00 0.00 0.00
maintainence_capex 6.20% 0.10% 29.37% 50.65% 0.85% 0.00 7.91%

3. COMPARE COMPETITOR DETAIL report for CAGR_3Y_ENDING_2023 for MSFT with ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'NVDA', 'INTC', 'SPY', 'GOOGL'] Current Market Price: 409.04 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
StockMarketPrice 20.03% 13.97% -1.97% 56.08% 3.43% 8.29% 16.82%
revenue 14.01% 11.77% 14.19% 35.19% -11.36% 0.00 18.98%
revenue::cost 12.65% 8.09% 9.31% 40.94% -1.72% 0.00 16.31%
owner_earnings 14.61% 10.08% -27.07% -26.78% -74.39% 0.00 19.74%
netincome_cfo 17.79% 19.10% 12.57% 16.03% -56.88% 0.00 22.37%
cashflow::operating 13.01% 11.07% 8.74% 5.82% -31.61% 0.00 16.04%
cashflow::fcf 9.55% 10.72% 7.51% -3.76% -34.22% 0.00 17.50%
cashflow::realfcf 7.67% 10.08% -21.15% -31.56% -31.62% 0.00 16.36%
netincome 17.79% 19.10% 12.57% 16.03% -56.88% 16.73% 22.37%
operatingincome 18.68% 19.91% 15.81% 12.46% -84.22% 0.00 26.92%
grossincome 14.64% 17.24% 20.91% 31.40% -20.75% 0.00 21.19%
eps 18.64% 23.00% -58.95% -27.35% -56.85% 16.73% -53.75%
equity 20.35% -1.66% 29.29% 21.89% 10.71% 0.00 4.04%
assets 10.99% 2.87% 18.01% 33.48% 7.76% 0.00 3.85%
ppnenet 29.39% 5.94% 21.76% 31.51% 19.54% 0.00 11.24%
capex 22.10% 14.46% 9.52% 55.34% 21.78% 0.00 13.12%
depreciation 2.70% 1.38% 24.44% 59.43% -9.20% 0.00 -2.54%
sbc 22.03% 16.63% 37.66% 47.51% 20.31% 0.00 20.02%
shares -0.61% -3.38% 1.60% 0.92% 0.10% 0.00 -0.60%
shares_calc -0.57% -2.93% 0.79% -0.30% 0.95% 0.00 -0.60%
amortization 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.04% 0.00 inf
costs:rnd 12.17% 16.85% 26.06% 37.40% 5.78% 0.00 18.11%
costs:sm 5.11% 0.00 26.33% 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.87%
cash 36.73% -7.63% 20.33% -32.25% 0.00 0.00 4.71%
debt -9.31% -0.73% 22.38% 76.53% 10.61% 0.00 -3.65%
interest_expense 0.00 8.20% 24.55% 71.43% 0.00 0.00 0.00
maintainence_capex 2.70% 14.46% 24.44% 59.43% -9.20% 0.00 -2.54%

4. Showing COMPARE report for ['GOOGL', 'SPY', 'AMZN', 'NVDA', 'INTC', 'MSFT', 'AAPL'] [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 409.04 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
AAPL StockMarketPrice 193.05 129.21 175.56 130.39 71.52 37.85 40.01 26.95 23.96 24.70 17.57 16.25 12.26 9.77 6.38 2.58
AMZN StockMarketPrice 153.41 84.00 166.72 162.85 92.39 75.10 58.47 37.49 33.79 15.52 19.94 12.54 8.65 9.00 6.73 2.56
GOOGL StockMarketPrice 139.69 88.23 144.85 87.63 66.97 52.25 52.67 39.62 38.90 26.53 28.05 17.70 16.16 14.86 15.52 7.70
INTC StockMarketPrice 50.50 25.83 48.40 45.64 53.50 40.93 39.27 30.01 27.59 28.22 19.56 14.94 16.98 14.22 13.39 9.30
MSFT StockMarketPrice 374.58 237.71 330.27 216.60 151.97 96.45 79.85 56.74 49.30 40.18 31.50 21.83 20.63 21.61 23.12 14.41
NVDA StockMarketPrice 49.51 14.61 29.36 13.02 5.86 3.31 4.79 2.63 0.80 0.48 0.38 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.43 0.19
SPY StockMarketPrice 4769.83 3839.50 4766.18 3756.07 3230.78 2506.85 2673.61 2238.83 2043.94 2058.90 1848.36 1426.19 1257.60 1257.64 1115.10 903.25
AAPL revenue 383285000000.00 394328000000.00 365817000000.00 274515000000.00 260174000000.00 265595000000.00 229234000000.00 215639000000.00 233715000000.00 182795000000.00 170910000000.00 156508000000.00 108249000000.00 65225000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN revenue 574785000000.00 513983000000.00 469822000000.00 386064000000.00 280522000000.00 232887000000.00 177866000000.00 135987000000.00 107006000000.00 88988000000.00 74452000000.00 61093000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL revenue 307394000000.00 282836000000.00 257637000000.00 182527000000.00 161857000000.00 136819000000.00 110855000000.00 90272000000.00 74989000000.00 66001000000.00 55519000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC revenue 54228000000.00 63054000000.00 79024000000.00 77867000000.00 71965000000.00 70848000000.00 62761000000.00 59387000000.00 55355000000.00 55870000000.00 52708000000.00 53341000000.00 53999000000.00 43623000000.00 35127000000.00 0.00
MSFT revenue 211915000000.00 198270000000.00 168088000000.00 143015000000.00 125843000000.00 110360000000.00 96571000000.00 91154000000.00 93580000000.00 86833000000.00 77849000000.00 73723000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA revenue 26974000000.00 26914000000.00 16675000000.00 10918000000.00 11716000000.00 9714000000.00 6910000000.00 5010000000.00 4682000000.00 4130162000.00 4280159000.00 3997930000.00 3543309000.00 3326445000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL revenue::cost 214137000000.00 223546000000.00 212981000000.00 169559000000.00 161782000000.00 163756000000.00 141048000000.00 131376000000.00 140089000000.00 112258000000.00 106606000000.00 87846000000.00 64431000000.00 39541000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN revenue::cost 304739000000.00 288831000000.00 272344000000.00 233307000000.00 165536000000.00 139156000000.00 111934000000.00 88265000000.00 71651000000.00 62752000000.00 54181000000.00 45971000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL revenue::cost 133332000000.00 126203000000.00 110939000000.00 84732000000.00 71896000000.00 59549000000.00 45583000000.00 35138000000.00 28164000000.00 25691000000.00 21993000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC revenue::cost 32517000000.00 36188000000.00 35209000000.00 34255000000.00 29825000000.00 27111000000.00 23692000000.00 23196000000.00 20676000000.00 20261000000.00 21187000000.00 20190000000.00 20242000000.00 15132000000.00 15566000000.00 0.00
MSFT revenue::cost 65863000000.00 62650000000.00 52232000000.00 46078000000.00 42910000000.00 38353000000.00 34261000000.00 32780000000.00 33038000000.00 27078000000.00 20385000000.00 17530000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA revenue::cost 11618000000.00 9439000000.00 6279000000.00 4150000000.00 4545000000.00 3892000000.00 2847000000.00 2199000000.00 2083000000.00 1862399000.00 2053816000.00 1941413000.00 2134219000.00 2149522000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL owner_earnings 88751000000.00 102405000000.00 85047000000.00 66536000000.00 52828000000.00 61191000000.00 49228000000.00 51516000000.00 66433000000.00 48904000000.00 44656000000.00 45839000000.00 34547000000.00 16689000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN owner_earnings 12260000000.00 -14790000000.00 -863000000.00 31605000000.00 14789000000.00 11878000000.00 2741000000.00 7560000000.00 5331000000.00 599000000.00 1088000000.00 1188000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL owner_earnings 67340000000.00 56846000000.00 64721000000.00 39228000000.00 32870000000.00 30454000000.00 23309000000.00 24066000000.00 17237000000.00 15222000000.00 12535000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC owner_earnings 395000000.00 1177000000.00 18002000000.00 23528000000.00 22236000000.00 20366000000.00 14000000000.00 14098000000.00 10387000000.00 11890000000.00 12868000000.00 11425000000.00 14769000000.00 11377000000.00 5766000000.00 0.00
MSFT owner_earnings 64110000000.00 67073000000.00 58936000000.00 42590000000.00 35851000000.00 29683000000.00 28112000000.00 24035000000.00 21150000000.00 24844000000.00 22672000000.00 27077000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA owner_earnings 1388000000.00 6128000000.00 3327000000.00 3536000000.00 2924000000.00 2912000000.00 1249000000.00 885000000.00 626000000.00 459703000.00 504201000.00 634067000.00 477554000.00 -184692000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL netincome_cfo 96995000000.00 99803000000.00 94680000000.00 57411000000.00 55256000000.00 59531000000.00 48351000000.00 45687000000.00 53394000000.00 39510000000.00 37037000000.00 41733000000.00 25922000000.00 14013000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN netincome_cfo 30425000000.00 -2722000000.00 33364000000.00 21331000000.00 11588000000.00 10073000000.00 3033000000.00 2371000000.00 596000000.00 -241000000.00 274000000.00 -39000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL netincome_cfo 73795000000.00 59972000000.00 76033000000.00 40269000000.00 34343000000.00 30736000000.00 12662000000.00 19478000000.00 16348000000.00 14136000000.00 12733000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC netincome_cfo 1675000000.00 8017000000.00 19868000000.00 20899000000.00 21048000000.00 21053000000.00 9601000000.00 10316000000.00 11420000000.00 11704000000.00 9620000000.00 11005000000.00 12942000000.00 11464000000.00 4369000000.00 0.00
MSFT netincome_cfo 72361000000.00 72738000000.00 61271000000.00 44281000000.00 39240000000.00 16571000000.00 25489000000.00 20539000000.00 12193000000.00 22074000000.00 21863000000.00 16978000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA netincome_cfo 4368000000.00 9752000000.00 4332000000.00 2796000000.00 4141000000.00 3047000000.00 1666000000.00 614000000.00 631000000.00 440000000.00 562536000.00 581090000.00 253146000.00 -67987000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL cashflow::operating 110543000000.00 122151000000.00 104038000000.00 80674000000.00 69391000000.00 77434000000.00 64225000000.00 66231000000.00 81266000000.00 59713000000.00 53666000000.00 50856000000.00 37529000000.00 18595000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN cashflow::operating 84946000000.00 46752000000.00 46327000000.00 66064000000.00 38514000000.00 30723000000.00 18434000000.00 17272000000.00 12039000000.00 6842000000.00 5475000000.00 4180000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL cashflow::operating 101746000000.00 91495000000.00 91652000000.00 65124000000.00 54520000000.00 47971000000.00 37091000000.00 36036000000.00 26572000000.00 23024000000.00 18659000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC cashflow::operating 11471000000.00 15433000000.00 29991000000.00 35864000000.00 33145000000.00 29432000000.00 22110000000.00 21808000000.00 19018000000.00 20418000000.00 20776000000.00 18884000000.00 20963000000.00 16692000000.00 11170000000.00 0.00
MSFT cashflow::operating 87582000000.00 89035000000.00 76740000000.00 60675000000.00 52185000000.00 43884000000.00 39507000000.00 33325000000.00 29668000000.00 32502000000.00 28833000000.00 31626000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA cashflow::operating 5641000000.00 9108000000.00 5822000000.00 4761000000.00 3743000000.00 3502000000.00 1672000000.00 1175000000.00 906000000.00 835146000.00 824172000.00 909156000.00 675797000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL cashflow::fcf 99584000000.00 111443000000.00 92953000000.00 73365000000.00 58896000000.00 64121000000.00 51774000000.00 53497000000.00 70019000000.00 50142000000.00 45501000000.00 42561000000.00 33269000000.00 16590000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN cashflow::fcf 32217000000.00 -16893000000.00 -14726000000.00 25924000000.00 21653000000.00 17296000000.00 6479000000.00 10535000000.00 7450000000.00 1949000000.00 2031000000.00 395000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL cashflow::fcf 69495000000.00 60010000000.00 67012000000.00 42843000000.00 30972000000.00 22832000000.00 23907000000.00 25824000000.00 16657000000.00 12065000000.00 11301000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC cashflow::fcf -14279000000.00 -9411000000.00 11258000000.00 21605000000.00 16932000000.00 14251000000.00 10332000000.00 12183000000.00 11692000000.00 10313000000.00 10065000000.00 7857000000.00 10199000000.00 11485000000.00 6655000000.00 0.00
MSFT cashflow::fcf 59475000000.00 65149000000.00 56118000000.00 45234000000.00 38260000000.00 32252000000.00 31378000000.00 24982000000.00 23724000000.00 27017000000.00 24576000000.00 29321000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA cashflow::fcf 3808000000.00 8132000000.00 4694000000.00 4272000000.00 3143000000.00 2909000000.00 1496000000.00 1089000000.00 784000000.00 580146000.00 640863000.00 770421000.00 577907000.00 -77601000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL cashflow::realfcf 88751000000.00 102405000000.00 85047000000.00 66536000000.00 52828000000.00 58781000000.00 46934000000.00 49287000000.00 66433000000.00 47279000000.00 43248000000.00 40821000000.00 32101000000.00 15711000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN cashflow::realfcf 8194000000.00 -36514000000.00 -27483000000.00 16716000000.00 14789000000.00 11878000000.00 2264000000.00 7560000000.00 5331000000.00 452000000.00 897000000.00 -438000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL cashflow::realfcf 47035000000.00 40648000000.00 51636000000.00 29852000000.00 20178000000.00 13479000000.00 16228000000.00 19121000000.00 11454000000.00 7786000000.00 7958000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC cashflow::realfcf -17508000000.00 -12539000000.00 9222000000.00 19751000000.00 15227000000.00 12705000000.00 8974000000.00 10739000000.00 10387000000.00 9165000000.00 8947000000.00 6755000000.00 9146000000.00 10568000000.00 5766000000.00 0.00
MSFT cashflow::realfcf 49864000000.00 57647000000.00 50000000000.00 39945000000.00 33608000000.00 28312000000.00 28112000000.00 22314000000.00 21150000000.00 24571000000.00 22170000000.00 27077000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA cashflow::realfcf 1099000000.00 6128000000.00 3297000000.00 3428000000.00 2586000000.00 2518000000.00 1249000000.00 885000000.00 626000000.00 443851000.00 504201000.00 634067000.00 477554000.00 -184692000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL netincome 96995000000.00 99803000000.00 94680000000.00 57411000000.00 55256000000.00 59531000000.00 48351000000.00 45687000000.00 53394000000.00 39510000000.00 37037000000.00 41733000000.00 25922000000.00 14013000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN netincome 30425000000.00 -2722000000.00 33364000000.00 21331000000.00 11588000000.00 10073000000.00 3033000000.00 2371000000.00 596000000.00 -241000000.00 274000000.00 -39000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL netincome 73795000000.00 59972000000.00 76033000000.00 40269000000.00 34343000000.00 30736000000.00 12662000000.00 19478000000.00 16348000000.00 14136000000.00 12733000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC netincome 1675000000.00 8017000000.00 19868000000.00 20899000000.00 21048000000.00 21053000000.00 9601000000.00 10316000000.00 11420000000.00 11704000000.00 9620000000.00 11005000000.00 12942000000.00 11464000000.00 4369000000.00 0.00
MSFT netincome 72361000000.00 72738000000.00 61271000000.00 44281000000.00 39240000000.00 16571000000.00 25489000000.00 20539000000.00 12193000000.00 22074000000.00 21863000000.00 16978000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA netincome 4368000000.00 9752000000.00 4332000000.00 2796000000.00 4141000000.00 3047000000.00 1666000000.00 614000000.00 631000000.00 440000000.00 562536000.00 581090000.00 253146000.00 -67987000.00 0.00 0.00
SPY netincome 219.70 219.49 206.38 138.12 162.35 148.34 124.51 106.26 100.48 116.16 104.92 96.82 96.44 83.77 0.00 0.00
AAPL operatingincome 114301000000.00 119437000000.00 108949000000.00 66288000000.00 63930000000.00 70898000000.00 61344000000.00 60024000000.00 71230000000.00 52503000000.00 48999000000.00 55241000000.00 33790000000.00 18385000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN operatingincome 37557000000.00 12248000000.00 38151000000.00 24178000000.00 14541000000.00 12421000000.00 4106000000.00 4186000000.00 2233000000.00 178000000.00 745000000.00 676000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL operatingincome 84293000000.00 74842000000.00 78714000000.00 41224000000.00 34231000000.00 34913000000.00 27193000000.00 24150000000.00 19651000000.00 17259000000.00 15899000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC operatingincome 93000000.00 2334000000.00 19456000000.00 23678000000.00 22035000000.00 23316000000.00 18050000000.00 13133000000.00 14002000000.00 15347000000.00 12291000000.00 14638000000.00 17477000000.00 15588000000.00 5711000000.00 0.00
MSFT operatingincome 88523000000.00 83383000000.00 69916000000.00 52959000000.00 42959000000.00 35058000000.00 29025000000.00 26078000000.00 18161000000.00 27759000000.00 26764000000.00 21763000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA operatingincome 4224000000.00 10041000000.00 4532000000.00 2970000000.00 3896000000.00 3210000000.00 1934000000.00 1905000000.00 759000000.00 510254000.00 662039000.00 663396000.00 271169000.00 -82294000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL grossincome 169148000000.00 170782000000.00 152836000000.00 104956000000.00 98392000000.00 101839000000.00 88186000000.00 84263000000.00 93626000000.00 70537000000.00 64304000000.00 68662000000.00 43818000000.00 25684000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN grossincome 270046000000.00 225152000000.00 197478000000.00 152757000000.00 114986000000.00 93731000000.00 65932000000.00 47722000000.00 35355000000.00 26236000000.00 20271000000.00 15122000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL grossincome 174062000000.00 156633000000.00 146698000000.00 97795000000.00 89961000000.00 77270000000.00 65272000000.00 55134000000.00 46825000000.00 40310000000.00 33526000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC grossincome 21711000000.00 26866000000.00 43815000000.00 43612000000.00 42140000000.00 43737000000.00 39098000000.00 36233000000.00 34679000000.00 35609000000.00 31521000000.00 33151000000.00 33757000000.00 28491000000.00 19561000000.00 0.00
MSFT grossincome 146052000000.00 135620000000.00 115856000000.00 96937000000.00 82933000000.00 72007000000.00 62310000000.00 58374000000.00 60542000000.00 59899000000.00 57600000000.00 56193000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA grossincome 15356000000.00 17475000000.00 10396000000.00 6768000000.00 7171000000.00 5822000000.00 4063000000.00 2811000000.00 2599477000.00 2268000000.00 2226343000.00 2056517000.00 1409090000.00 1176923000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL eps 6.16 6.15 5.67 3.31 11.97 12.01 9.27 8.35 9.28 6.49 40.03 44.64 28.05 15.41 0.00 0.00
AMZN eps 2.95 -0.27 65.96 42.64 23.46 20.68 6.32 5.01 1.28 -0.52 0.60 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL eps 5800.00 4560.00 112200.00 58610.00 49160.00 43700.00 18000.00 27850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC eps 0.40 1.95 4.89 4.98 4.77 4.57 4.57 2.18 2.41 2.39 1.94 2.20 2.46 2.06 0.79 0.00
MSFT eps 9.72 9.70 8.12 5.82 5.11 2.15 3.29 2.59 1.49 2.66 2.61 2.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA eps 1.76 3.91 7.02 4.59 6.81 5.09 3.08 1.13 1.14 0.75 0.91 0.96 0.44 -0.12 0.00 0.00
SPY eps 219.70 219.49 206.38 138.12 162.35 148.34 124.51 106.26 100.48 116.16 104.92 96.82 96.44 83.77 0.00 0.00
AAPL equity 62146000000.00 50672000000.00 63090000000.00 65339000000.00 90488000000.00 107147000000.00 134047000000.00 128249000000.00 119355000000.00 111547000000.00 123549000000.00 118210000000.00 76615000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN equity 201875000000.00 146043000000.00 138245000000.00 93404000000.00 62060000000.00 43549000000.00 27709000000.00 19285000000.00 13384000000.00 10741000000.00 9746000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL equity 283379000000.00 256144000000.00 256144000000.00 251635000000.00 222544000000.00 177628000000.00 152502000000.00 139036000000.00 120331000000.00 103860000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC equity 109965000000.00 103286000000.00 95391000000.00 81038000000.00 77504000000.00 74563000000.00 69019000000.00 66226000000.00 61085000000.00 55865000000.00 58256000000.00 51203000000.00 45911000000.00 49430000000.00 0.00 0.00
MSFT equity 206223000000.00 166542000000.00 141988000000.00 118304000000.00 102330000000.00 82718000000.00 87711000000.00 71997000000.00 80083000000.00 89784000000.00 78944000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA equity 22101000000.00 26612000000.00 16893000000.00 12204000000.00 9342000000.00 7471000000.00 5762000000.00 4469000000.00 4418000000.00 4456398000.00 4827703000.00 4145724000.00 3181462000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL assets 352583000000.00 352755000000.00 351002000000.00 323888000000.00 338516000000.00 365725000000.00 375319000000.00 321686000000.00 290479000000.00 231839000000.00 207000000000.00 176064000000.00 116371000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN assets 527854000000.00 462675000000.00 420549000000.00 321195000000.00 225248000000.00 162648000000.00 131310000000.00 83402000000.00 65444000000.00 54505000000.00 40159000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL assets 402392000000.00 365264000000.00 365264000000.00 359268000000.00 319616000000.00 232792000000.00 197295000000.00 167497000000.00 147461000000.00 129187000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC assets 191572000000.00 182103000000.00 168406000000.00 153091000000.00 136524000000.00 127963000000.00 123249000000.00 113327000000.00 103065000000.00 91956000000.00 92358000000.00 84351000000.00 71119000000.00 63186000000.00 0.00 0.00
MSFT assets 411976000000.00 364840000000.00 333779000000.00 301311000000.00 286556000000.00 258848000000.00 250312000000.00 193694000000.00 176223000000.00 172384000000.00 142431000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA assets 41182000000.00 44187000000.00 28791000000.00 17315000000.00 13292000000.00 11241000000.00 9841000000.00 7370000000.00 7201368000.00 7250894000.00 6412245000.00 5552928000.00 4495246000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL ppnenet 43715000000.00 42117000000.00 39440000000.00 36766000000.00 37378000000.00 41304000000.00 33783000000.00 27010000000.00 22471000000.00 20624000000.00 16597000000.00 15452000000.00 7777000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN ppnenet 204177000000.00 186715000000.00 160281000000.00 113114000000.00 72705000000.00 61797000000.00 48866000000.00 29114000000.00 21838000000.00 16967000000.00 10949000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL ppnenet 134345000000.00 112668000000.00 112668000000.00 97599000000.00 84749000000.00 59719000000.00 42383000000.00 34234000000.00 29016000000.00 23883000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC ppnenet 96647000000.00 80860000000.00 63245000000.00 56584000000.00 55386000000.00 48976000000.00 41109000000.00 36171000000.00 31858000000.00 33238000000.00 31428000000.00 27983000000.00 23627000000.00 17899000000.00 0.00 0.00
MSFT ppnenet 95641000000.00 74398000000.00 59715000000.00 44151000000.00 36477000000.00 29460000000.00 23734000000.00 18356000000.00 14731000000.00 13011000000.00 9991000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA ppnenet 3807000000.00 2778000000.00 2149000000.00 1674000000.00 1404000000.00 997000000.00 521000000.00 466000000.00 557282000.00 582740000.00 576144000.00 560072000.00 568857000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL capex 10959000000.00 10708000000.00 11085000000.00 7309000000.00 10495000000.00 13313000000.00 12451000000.00 12734000000.00 11247000000.00 9571000000.00 8165000000.00 8295000000.00 4260000000.00 2005000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN capex 52729000000.00 63645000000.00 61053000000.00 40140000000.00 16861000000.00 13427000000.00 11955000000.00 6737000000.00 4589000000.00 4893000000.00 3444000000.00 3785000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL capex 32251000000.00 31485000000.00 24640000000.00 22281000000.00 23548000000.00 25139000000.00 13184000000.00 10212000000.00 9915000000.00 10959000000.00 7358000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC capex 25750000000.00 24844000000.00 18733000000.00 14259000000.00 16213000000.00 15181000000.00 11778000000.00 9625000000.00 7326000000.00 10105000000.00 10711000000.00 11027000000.00 10764000000.00 5207000000.00 4515000000.00 0.00
MSFT capex 28107000000.00 23886000000.00 20622000000.00 15441000000.00 13925000000.00 11632000000.00 8129000000.00 8343000000.00 5944000000.00 5485000000.00 4257000000.00 2305000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA capex 1833000000.00 976000000.00 1128000000.00 489000000.00 600000000.00 593000000.00 176000000.00 86000000.00 122000000.00 255000000.00 183309000.00 138735000.00 97890000.00 77601000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL depreciation 11519000000.00 11104000000.00 11284000000.00 11056000000.00 12547000000.00 10903000000.00 10157000000.00 10505000000.00 11257000000.00 7946000000.00 6757000000.00 3277000000.00 1814000000.00 1027000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN depreciation 48663000000.00 41921000000.00 34433000000.00 25251000000.00 21789000000.00 15341000000.00 11478000000.00 8116000000.00 6281000000.00 4746000000.00 3253000000.00 2159000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL depreciation 11946000000.00 15287000000.00 11555000000.00 12905000000.00 10856000000.00 8164000000.00 6103000000.00 5267000000.00 4132000000.00 3523000000.00 2781000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC depreciation 7847000000.00 11128000000.00 9953000000.00 10482000000.00 9204000000.00 7520000000.00 6752000000.00 6266000000.00 7821000000.00 7380000000.00 6790000000.00 6357000000.00 5141000000.00 4398000000.00 4744000000.00 0.00
MSFT depreciation 13861000000.00 14460000000.00 11686000000.00 12796000000.00 11682000000.00 10261000000.00 8778000000.00 6622000000.00 5957000000.00 5212000000.00 3755000000.00 2967000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA depreciation 1544000000.00 1174000000.00 1098000000.00 381000000.00 262000000.00 199000000.00 187000000.00 197000000.00 220125000.00 239148000.00 226235000.00 204205000.00 186989000.00 196664000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL sbc 10833000000.00 9038000000.00 7906000000.00 6829000000.00 6068000000.00 5340000000.00 4840000000.00 4210000000.00 3586000000.00 2863000000.00 2253000000.00 1740000000.00 1168000000.00 879000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN sbc 24023000000.00 19621000000.00 12757000000.00 9208000000.00 6864000000.00 5418000000.00 4215000000.00 2975000000.00 2119000000.00 1497000000.00 1134000000.00 833000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL sbc 22460000000.00 19362000000.00 15376000000.00 12991000000.00 10794000000.00 9353000000.00 7679000000.00 6703000000.00 5203000000.00 4279000000.00 3343000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC sbc 3229000000.00 3128000000.00 2036000000.00 1854000000.00 1705000000.00 1546000000.00 1358000000.00 1444000000.00 1305000000.00 1148000000.00 1118000000.00 1102000000.00 1053000000.00 917000000.00 889000000.00 0.00
MSFT sbc 9611000000.00 7502000000.00 6118000000.00 5289000000.00 4652000000.00 3940000000.00 3266000000.00 2668000000.00 2574000000.00 2446000000.00 2406000000.00 2244000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA sbc 2709000000.00 2004000000.00 1397000000.00 844000000.00 557000000.00 391000000.00 247000000.00 204000000.00 158000000.00 136295000.00 136662000.00 136354000.00 100353000.00 107091000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL shares 15812547000.00 16325819000.00 16864919000.00 17528214000.00 18595651000.00 20000435000.00 5251692000.00 5500281000.00 5793069000.00 6122663000.00 6521634000.00 6543726000.00 924258000.00 909461000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN shares 10492000000.00 10189000000.00 10296000000.00 10005000000.00 494000000.00 487000000.00 480000000.00 474000000.00 467000000.00 462000000.00 457000000.00 453000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL shares 6799000000.00 6881000000.00 6915000000.00 6922000000.00 346342000.00 349728000.00 348151000.00 344702000.00 343241000.00 338130000.00 332846000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC shares 4212000000.00 4123000000.00 4090000000.00 4199000000.00 4417000000.00 4611000000.00 4701000000.00 4730000000.00 4742000000.00 4901000000.00 4970000000.00 4996000000.00 5256000000.00 5555000000.00 5557000000.00 0.00
MSFT shares 7472000000.00 7540000000.00 7608000000.00 7610000000.00 7673000000.00 7700000000.00 7746000000.00 7925000000.00 8177000000.00 8399000000.00 8470000000.00 8506000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA shares 2507000000.00 2535000000.00 2467000000.00 2439000000.00 608000000.00 599000000.00 541000000.00 543000000.00 552319000.00 588000000.00 619324000.00 603646000.00 575177000.00 549574000.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL shares_calc 15552799744.00 15908100096.00 16406400000.00 17001799680.00 17001799680.00 18157873440.60 19764318683.13 20403635951.35 21333531551.73 23427855264.37 24954484256.15 25039017436.98 25039017436.98 24638152807.17 0.00 0.00
AMZN shares_calc 10334000128.00 10201700352.00 10201700352.00 10093135406.09 9973365462.96 9836014610.73 9663239951.84 9558356040.96 9429534298.48 9293511090.70 9192931966.34 9112468666.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL shares_calc 6799000000.00 6881000000.00 6915000000.00 6922000000.00 6922000000.00 6989672681.92 6958154719.90 6889222918.39 6860023335.32 6757874759.63 6652268601.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC shares_calc 4216000000.00 4147859968.00 4067000064.00 4097999872.00 4350000128.00 4563999744.00 4659999744.00 4739000000.00 4719000000.00 4901000000.00 4970000000.00 4996000000.00 5256000000.00 5555000000.00 5557000000.00 0.00
MSFT shares_calc 7432260096.00 7454470144.00 7658599936.00 7560500224.00 7628810240.00 7677510144.00 7699789824.00 7775350000.00 7987910000.00 8399000000.00 8470000000.00 8506000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA shares_calc 24700001280.00 25350000000.00 24920000000.00 24920000000.00 24638190630.05 24557673667.21 24436898222.94 21699321486.27 21659063004.85 23671987075.93 24933043747.98 24301871276.25 23155752568.66 22125014668.82 0.00 0.00
GOOGL amortization 0.00 641000000.00 886000000.00 792000000.00 925000000.00 871000000.00 812000000.00 877000000.00 931000000.00 1456000000.00 1158000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC amortization 1755000000.00 1907000000.00 1839000000.00 1757000000.00 1622000000.00 1565000000.00 1377000000.00 1524000000.00 890000000.00 1169000000.00 1242000000.00 1165000000.00 923000000.00 240000000.00 308000000.00 0.00
AAPL costs:rnd 29915000000.00 26251000000.00 21914000000.00 18752000000.00 16217000000.00 14236000000.00 11581000000.00 10045000000.00 8067000000.00 6041000000.00 4475000000.00 3381000000.00 2429000000.00 1782000000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN costs:rnd 85622000000.00 73213000000.00 56052000000.00 42740000000.00 35931000000.00 28837000000.00 22620000000.00 16085000000.00 12540000000.00 9275000000.00 6565000000.00 4564000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL costs:rnd 45427000000.00 39500000000.00 31562000000.00 27573000000.00 26018000000.00 21419000000.00 16625000000.00 13948000000.00 12282000000.00 9832000000.00 7137000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC costs:rnd 16046000000.00 17528000000.00 15190000000.00 13556000000.00 13362000000.00 13543000000.00 13098000000.00 12740000000.00 12128000000.00 11537000000.00 10611000000.00 10148000000.00 8350000000.00 6576000000.00 5653000000.00 0.00
MSFT costs:rnd 27195000000.00 24512000000.00 20716000000.00 19269000000.00 16876000000.00 14726000000.00 13037000000.00 11988000000.00 12046000000.00 11381000000.00 10411000000.00 9811000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA costs:rnd 7339000000.00 5268000000.00 3924000000.00 2829000000.00 2376000000.00 1797000000.00 1463000000.00 1331000000.00 1360000000.00 1336000000.00 1147282000.00 1002605000.00 848830000.00 908851000.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN costs:sm 44370000000.00 42238000000.00 32551000000.00 22008000000.00 18878000000.00 13814000000.00 10069000000.00 7233000000.00 5254000000.00 4332000000.00 3133000000.00 2408000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL costs:sm 27917000000.00 26567000000.00 22912000000.00 17946000000.00 18464000000.00 16333000000.00 12893000000.00 10485000000.00 9047000000.00 8131000000.00 6554000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MSFT costs:sm 22759000000.00 21825000000.00 20117000000.00 19598000000.00 18213000000.00 17469000000.00 15539000000.00 14697000000.00 15713000000.00 15811000000.00 15276000000.00 13857000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL cash 29965000000.00 23646000000.00 34940000000.00 38016000000.00 48844000000.00 25913000000.00 20289000000.00 20484000000.00 21120000000.00 13844000000.00 14259000000.00 10746000000.00 9815000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN cash 73387000000.00 53888000000.00 36220000000.00 42122000000.00 36092000000.00 31750000000.00 20522000000.00 19334000000.00 15890000000.00 14557000000.00 8658000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL cash 24048000000.00 21879000000.00 21879000000.00 20945000000.00 26465000000.00 16701000000.00 10715000000.00 12918000000.00 16549000000.00 18347000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC cash 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3019000000.00 3433000000.00 5560000000.00 15308000000.00 2561000000.00 5674000000.00 8478000000.00 5065000000.00 5498000000.00 0.00 0.00
MSFT cash 34704000000.00 13931000000.00 14224000000.00 13576000000.00 11356000000.00 11946000000.00 7663000000.00 6510000000.00 5595000000.00 8669000000.00 3804000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA cash 3389000000.00 1990000000.00 847000000.00 10896000000.00 782000000.00 4002000000.00 1766000000.00 596000000.00 497000000.00 1151587000.00 732786000.00 667876000.00 665361000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL debt 105103000000.00 220174000000.00 118719000000.00 107440000000.00 102067000000.00 102519000000.00 103703000000.00 78927000000.00 55963000000.00 28987000000.00 16960000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AMZN debt 58314000000.00 134300000000.00 48744000000.00 31816000000.00 23414000000.00 23495000000.00 24743000000.00 7694000000.00 8235000000.00 8265000000.00 3191000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOOGL debt 13253000000.00 14701000000.00 14701000000.00 14817000000.00 13932000000.00 4012000000.00 3969000000.00 3935000000.00 1995000000.00 3228000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTC debt 49266000000.00 84102000000.00 38101000000.00 36401000000.00 29001000000.00 26359000000.00 51850000000.00 25283000000.00 22670000000.00 13711000000.00 13446000000.00 13448000000.00 7331000000.00 2115000000.00 0.00 0.00
MSFT debt 47237000000.00 99562000000.00 58146000000.00 63327000000.00 72178000000.00 76240000000.00 77122000000.00 44781000000.00 30307000000.00 23144000000.00 15600000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NVDA debt 10953000000.00 10946000000.00 6963000000.00 1991000000.00 1988000000.00 1985000000.00 1989000000.00 1993000000.00 1398428000.00 1373875000.00 18998000.00 21439000.00 23389000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AAPL interest_expense