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We have 2 report results for ticker: MSFT - Microsoft Corporation, also organized by 1 group tags below ... Bargain Finder: Related Companies Portfolio Health: Related Companies

1. (new)Reverse DCF based on cashflow:operating(operating cash flow) for MSFT price: 409.75 as of date: 2025-02-08 [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 409.75 as of 2025-02-08

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry expectedGrowthRate_MarketIsPricing
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 7 47.58%
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 10 38.47%
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 15 28.47%
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 20 21.67%
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 25 16.59%
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 30 12.56%
MSFT PE_YEAR_2028 = 40 6.43%
MSFT input_data {"marketcap": 3045368574336.0, "cashflow_fcf_key": 87582000000.0, "discount_rate": 0.1, "period": 5}
MSFT input_data_url_param input_data={"marketcap": 3045368574336.0, "cashflow_fcf_key": 87582000000.0, "discount_rate": 0.1, "period": 5}
In this report, we are doing Reverse DCF assuming for today's current price: 409.75 to meet market expectations, what growth rate company should grow for next 10 years?
Each row can be thought as
1. After 5 years from today - if PE of the stock is X, what should be the growth rate from today to meet that PE in future
2. lower PE in future is a reasonable justification, higher PE in future is risky
3. Assumptions: We are using discount rate as 10%, Period as 5 years and Reinvestment Rate of 100% in the default report, overriding will change this values
4. You can override values by passing the input data as a query param to the URL
5. direct link: reverse dcf for MSFT
6. override link: reverse dcf with override in URL for MSFT
7. inf values means, cashflow::operating is negative or we do not have data for the stock/ticker

2. Showing REVERSE_DCF_RAW report for MSFT [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 409.75 as of 2025-02-08

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
MSFT revenue 211.91B 198.27B 168.09B 143.01B 125.84B 110.36B 96.57B 91.15B 93.58B 86.83B 77.85B 73.72B
MSFT owner_earnings 64.11B 67.07B 58.94B 42.59B 35.85B 29.68B 28.11B 24.04B 21.15B 24.84B 22.67B 27.08B
MSFT cashflow::operating 87.58B 89.03B 76.74B 60.67B 52.19B 43.88B 39.51B 33.33B 29.67B 32.50B 28.83B 31.63B
MSFT cashflow::fcf 59.48B 65.15B 56.12B 45.23B 38.26B 32.25B 31.38B 24.98B 23.72B 27.02B 24.58B 29.32B
MSFT cashflow::realfcf 49.86B 57.65B 50.00B 39.95B 33.61B 28.31B 28.11B 22.31B 21.15B 24.57B 22.17B 27.08B
MSFT netincome 72.36B 72.74B 61.27B 44.28B 39.24B 16.57B 25.49B 20.54B 12.19B 22.07B 21.86B 16.98B
MSFT operatingincome 88.52B 83.38B 69.92B 52.96B 42.96B 35.06B 29.02B 26.08B 18.16B 27.76B 26.76B 21.76B
MSFT marketcap 2783.98B 1772.00B 2529.41B 1637.60B 1159.35B 740.50B 614.83B 441.17B 393.80B 337.47B 266.81B 185.69B
MSFT ev 2796.51B 1857.63B 2573.33B 1687.36B 1220.17B 804.79B 684.29B 479.44B 418.52B 351.95B 278.60B 185.69B
MSFT shares 7.47B 7.54B 7.61B 7.61B 7.67B 7.70B 7.75B 7.92B 8.18B 8.40B 8.47B 8.51B
MSFT shares_calc 7.43B 7.45B 7.66B 7.56B 7.63B 7.68B 7.70B 7.78B 7.99B 8.40B 8.47B 8.51B

Reverse DCF Calculator

(last year value Or average of last 3 years)
(typically it's the min return you expect, 10% is a good one)

Reverse DCF Output

PE after Year Expected Growth Rate Market is Pricing in

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