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We have 6 report results for ticker: GOOGL - Alphabet Inc., also organized by 3 group tags below ... Bargain Finder: Related Companies Portfolio Health: Related Companies

Valuation Scenarios Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

Type Low High Factor NormalizedPerShare Multipliers(Avg, Median, Min, Max)
Suggested Buying Range on overall 90.79 177.71 operatingCashflow 13.84 (12.84, 10.48, 6.56, 28.94)
Suggested Buying Range on cashflow 119.72 127.60 operatingCashflow 13.84 [8.65, 9.22, 6.56, 10.85]
Suggested Buying Range on netIncome 137.54 151.19 netIncome 10.19 [14.84, 13.5, 10.12, 28.94]
Suggested Buying Range on operatingIncome 155.96 171.44 operatingIncome 11.55 [14.84, 13.5, 10.12, 28.94]

“The best measure to judge a company’s performance over time is growth of free cash flow per share, and we believe that’s what drives long-term value for our owners”
--Texas Instruments investor page, investor.ti.com
Disclaimer: This is not a Buy/Sell suggestion, the data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile, We are not liable for any loss!
Note 1: The Valuation above uses Historic Valuation method, Its not a valid method for companies with -ve PE or Negative earnings!
Note 2: Companies like CRWD, SNOW, any SAAS based companies OR companies whose GAAP earnings are negative cannot be valued using this method, so ignore the numbers for such cases
Selected Group Tag Permalink: SUMMARY, Showing 6 report results for group: SUMMARY

1. Showing SUMMARY report for GOOGL [ permalink ] [ csv download ] [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
GOOGL revenue 307.39B 282.84B 257.64B 182.53B 161.86B 136.82B 110.86B 90.27B 74.99B 66.00B 55.52B
GOOGL owner_earnings 67.34B 56.85B 64.72B 39.23B 32.87B 30.45B 23.31B 24.07B 17.24B 15.22B 12.54B
GOOGL cashflow::operating 101.75B 91.50B 91.65B 65.12B 54.52B 47.97B 37.09B 36.04B 26.57B 23.02B 18.66B
GOOGL cashflow::fcf 69.50B 60.01B 67.01B 42.84B 30.97B 22.83B 23.91B 25.82B 16.66B 12.06B 11.30B
GOOGL cashflow::realfcf 47.03B 40.65B 51.64B 29.85B 20.18B 13.48B 16.23B 19.12B 11.45B 7.79B 7.96B
GOOGL netincome 73.80B 59.97B 76.03B 40.27B 34.34B 30.74B 12.66B 19.48B 16.35B 14.14B 12.73B
GOOGL operatingincome 84.29B 74.84B 78.71B 41.22B 34.23B 34.91B 27.19B 24.15B 19.65B 17.26B 15.90B
GOOGL marketcap 949.75B 607.11B 1001.64B 606.57B 463.57B 365.21B 366.49B 272.95B 266.85B 179.29B 186.60B
GOOGL ev 938.96B 599.93B 994.46B 600.45B 451.03B 352.52B 359.74B 263.97B 252.30B 164.17B 186.60B
GOOGL shares 6.80B 6.88B 6.92B 6.92B 0.35B 0.35B 0.35B 0.34B 0.34B 0.34B 0.33B
GOOGL shares_calc 6.80B 6.88B 6.92B 6.92B 6.92B 6.99B 6.96B 6.89B 6.86B 6.76B 6.65B
GOOGL capex -32.25B -31.48B -24.64B -22.28B -23.55B -25.14B -13.18B -10.21B -9.91B -10.96B -7.36B
GOOGL depreciation 11.95B 15.29B 11.55B 12.90B 10.86B 8.16B 6.10B 5.27B 4.13B 3.52B 2.78B
GOOGL evToOcf 9.23 6.56 10.85 9.22 8.27 7.35 9.70 7.33 9.49 7.13 10.00
GOOGL pocf 9.33 6.64 10.93 9.31 8.50 7.61 9.88 7.57 10.04 7.79 10.00
GOOGL pe 12.87 10.12 13.17 15.06 13.50 11.88 28.94 14.01 16.32 12.68 14.65

2. Vertical Data, ratio wrt to shares_calc for GOOGL [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
GOOGL revenue 45.21 41.10 37.26 26.37 23.38 19.57 15.93 13.10 10.93 9.77 8.35
GOOGL owner_earnings 9.90 8.26 9.36 5.67 4.75 4.36 3.35 3.49 2.51 2.25 1.88
GOOGL cashflow::operating 14.96 13.30 13.25 9.41 7.88 6.86 5.33 5.23 3.87 3.41 2.80
GOOGL cashflow::fcf 10.22 8.72 9.69 6.19 4.47 3.27 3.44 3.75 2.43 1.79 1.70
GOOGL cashflow::realfcf 6.92 5.91 7.47 4.31 2.92 1.93 2.33 2.78 1.67 1.15 1.20
GOOGL netincome 10.85 8.72 11.00 5.82 4.96 4.40 1.82 2.83 2.38 2.09 1.91
GOOGL operatingincome 12.40 10.88 11.38 5.96 4.95 4.99 3.91 3.51 2.86 2.55 2.39
GOOGL marketcap 139.69 88.23 144.85 87.63 66.97 52.25 52.67 39.62 38.90 26.53 28.05
GOOGL ev 138.10 87.19 143.81 86.74 65.16 50.43 51.70 38.32 36.78 24.29 28.05
GOOGL shares 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
GOOGL shares_calc 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
GOOGL capex -4.74 -4.58 -3.56 -3.22 -3.40 -3.60 -1.89 -1.48 -1.45 -1.62 -1.11
GOOGL depreciation 1.76 2.22 1.67 1.86 1.57 1.17 0.88 0.76 0.60 0.52 0.42
This table measures each value wrt shares_calc (essentially dividiing each entry by shares_calc), this way we can understand how business is utilizing its shares_calc on a % basis

3. Vertical Data, ratio wrt to revenue for GOOGL [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
GOOGL revenue 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
GOOGL owner_earnings 21.91% 20.10% 25.12% 21.49% 20.31% 22.26% 21.03% 26.66% 22.99% 23.06% 22.58%
GOOGL cashflow::operating 33.10% 32.35% 35.57% 35.68% 33.68% 35.06% 33.46% 39.92% 35.43% 34.88% 33.61%
GOOGL cashflow::fcf 22.61% 21.22% 26.01% 23.47% 19.14% 16.69% 21.57% 28.61% 22.21% 18.28% 20.36%
GOOGL cashflow::realfcf 15.30% 14.37% 20.04% 16.35% 12.47% 9.85% 14.64% 21.18% 15.27% 11.80% 14.33%
GOOGL netincome 24.01% 21.20% 29.51% 22.06% 21.22% 22.46% 11.42% 21.58% 21.80% 21.42% 22.93%
GOOGL operatingincome 27.42% 26.46% 30.55% 22.59% 21.15% 25.52% 24.53% 26.75% 26.21% 26.15% 28.64%
GOOGL marketcap 308.97% 214.65% 388.78% 332.32% 286.40% 266.93% 330.60% 302.37% 355.86% 271.64% 336.09%
GOOGL ev 305.46% 212.11% 385.99% 328.96% 278.66% 257.66% 324.51% 292.41% 336.45% 248.73% 336.09%
GOOGL shares 2.21% 2.43% 2.68% 3.79% 0.21% 0.26% 0.31% 0.38% 0.46% 0.51% 0.60%
GOOGL shares_calc 2.21% 2.43% 2.68% 3.79% 4.28% 5.11% 6.28% 7.63% 9.15% 10.24% 11.98%
GOOGL capex -10.49% -11.13% -9.56% -12.21% -14.55% -18.37% -11.89% -11.31% -13.22% -16.60% -13.25%
GOOGL depreciation 3.89% 5.40% 4.48% 7.07% 6.71% 5.97% 5.51% 5.83% 5.51% 5.34% 5.01%
This table measures each value wrt revenue (essentially dividiing each entry by revenue), this way we can understand how business is utilizing its revenue on a % basis

4. CAGR report Showing SUMMARY report for GOOGL Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry CAGR_9Y_ENDING_2023 CAGR_5Y_ENDING_2023 CAGR_3Y_ENDING_2023
GOOGL revenue 18.64% 17.57% 18.98%
GOOGL owner_earnings 17.97% 17.20% 19.74%
GOOGL cashflow::operating 17.95% 16.23% 16.04%
GOOGL cashflow::fcf 21.48% 24.93% 17.50%
GOOGL cashflow::realfcf 22.12% 28.40% 16.36%
GOOGL netincome 20.16% 19.15% 22.37%
GOOGL operatingincome 19.27% 19.28% 26.92%
GOOGL marketcap 20.35% 21.06% 16.12%
GOOGL ev 21.38% 21.64% 16.07%
GOOGL shares 39.58% 81.03% -0.60%
GOOGL shares_calc 0.07% -0.55% -0.60%
GOOGL capex -11.30% -4.86% -11.60%
GOOGL depreciation 14.53% 7.91% -2.54%
GOOGL evToOcf 2.91% 4.66% 0.04%
GOOGL pocf 2.02% 4.16% 0.07%
GOOGL pe 0.17% 1.61% -5.10%

5. Rolling 5 yearly CAGR report Showing SUMMARY report for GOOGL Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry CAGR_5Y_2023 CAGR_5Y_2022 CAGR_5Y_2021 CAGR_5Y_2020 CAGR_5Y_2019 CAGR_5Y_2018
GOOGL netincome 19.15% 36.49% 31.31% 19.76% 19.43% 19.27%
GOOGL operatingincome 19.28% 22.44% 26.66% 15.97% 14.68% 17.04%
GOOGL marketcap 21.06% 10.62% 29.70% 17.85% 20.92% 14.37%
GOOGL ev 21.64% 10.77% 30.38% 18.94% 22.40% 13.57%
GOOGL shares 81.03% 81.63% 82.17% 82.36% 0.48% 0.99%
GOOGL shares_calc -0.55% -0.22% 0.07% 0.18% 0.48% 0.99%
GOOGL capex -4.86% -15.98% -16.15% -14.95% -14.18% -21.79%
GOOGL depreciation 7.91% 20.16% 17.01% 25.58% 25.24% 24.03%
GOOGL evToOcf 4.66% -7.52% 8.16% -0.58% 3.01% -5.97%
GOOGL pocf 4.16% -7.64% 7.62% -1.50% 1.76% -5.32%
GOOGL pe 1.61% -18.95% -1.23% -1.59% 1.26% -4.11%

6. Rolling 9 yearly CAGR report Showing SUMMARY report for GOOGL Current Market Price: 196.0 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry CAGR_9Y_2023 CAGR_9Y_2022
GOOGL shares 39.58% 40.01%
GOOGL shares_calc 0.07% 0.38%
GOOGL capex -11.30% -14.92%
GOOGL depreciation 14.53% 20.85%
GOOGL evToOcf 2.91% -4.58%
GOOGL pocf 2.02% -4.45%
GOOGL pe 0.17% -4.03%

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