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Selected tickers used: ['WMT']

We have 4 report results for WMT, also organized by 1 group tags below ...

1. COMPARE COMPETITOR DETAIL report for CAGR_9Y_ENDING_2023 for WMT with ['COST', 'TGT', 'DG', 'DLTR', 'KR', 'SPY'] Current Market Price: 103.61 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
StockMarketPrice 9.27% 21.07% 10.18% 8.41% 7.94% 5.85% 9.78%
revenue 2.81% 8.88% 4.63% 8.94% 15.34% 4.66% 0.00
revenue::cost 2.91% 0.00 5.41% 8.91% 16.13% 0.00 0.00
owner_earnings 2.45% 13.50% -32.91% 4.70% 2.96% -2.18% 0.00
netincome_cfo -4.25% 13.04% 0.35% 9.99% 11.70% 4.37% 0.00
cashflow::operating 2.42% 12.02% -56.71% 5.62% 8.20% 2.59% 0.00
cashflow::fcf 1.87% 14.52% -56.71% 4.96% -2.62% 1.49% 0.00
cashflow::realfcf 1.87% 15.25% -32.91% 4.70% -5.56% 1.49% 0.00
netincome -4.25% 13.22% 3.90% 9.99% 11.70% 2.71% 7.34%
operatingincome -3.00% 11.37% -3.23% 7.50% 9.72% 4.72% 0.00
grossincome 2.49% 8.88% 2.55% 9.01% 13.81% 4.66% 0.00
eps 0.00 0.00 7.65% -64.78% 11.40% 0.00 7.34%
equity 0.33% inf -0.46% 0.28% 25.05% 0.00 0.00
retained_earnings 0.92% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
assets 1.93% inf 2.02% 11.56% 26.52% 6.04% 0.00
ppnenet -5.83% inf 0.05% 10.80% inf 4.32% 0.00
capex 2.83% 8.98% 0.00 21.01% 15.93% 3.14% 0.00
depreciation 2.36% 8.12% 2.18% 9.03% 16.77% 6.35% 0.00
sbc 0.00 10.05% 8.01% 14.82% 12.87% 0.00 0.00
shares 10.71% 0.05% -3.47% -3.93% 0.25% -3.91% 0.00
shares_calc -2.18% 0.03% -3.48% -4.20% -0.06% -3.89% 0.00
cash 1.90% inf 13.82% -3.08% 10.22% 0.00 0.00
debt 0.55% inf 1.77% 10.65% 87.40% 2.25% 0.00
interest_expense 0.00 3.94% -9.08% 10.08% 26.56% 2.12% 0.00
maintainence_capex 2.36% 8.12% 0.00 21.01% 16.77% 6.35% 0.00

2. COMPARE COMPETITOR DETAIL report for CAGR_5Y_ENDING_2023 for WMT with ['COST', 'TGT', 'DG', 'DLTR', 'KR', 'SPY'] Current Market Price: 103.61 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
StockMarketPrice 13.00% 28.19% 19.14% 5.25% 9.16% 12.87% 13.73%
revenue 4.09% 11.34% 8.46% 10.03% 4.96% 3.76% 0.00
revenue::cost 4.43% 0.00 9.97% 9.88% 4.96% 0.00 0.00
owner_earnings -0.43% 16.72% -13.41% 0.65% -2.44% 9.43% 0.00
netincome_cfo 1.42% 14.63% -1.03% 9.44% -1.18% 3.55% 0.00
cashflow::operating 0.35% 13.90% -10.15% 1.95% 1.34% 5.68% 0.00
cashflow::fcf -8.10% 19.18% -10.15% 1.07% -16.09% 18.65% 0.00
cashflow::realfcf -8.10% 21.44% -13.41% 0.65% -20.68% 18.65% 0.00
netincome 1.42% 14.96% -1.07% 9.44% -1.18% 8.76% 8.17%
operatingincome -0.01% 13.63% -2.25% 10.64% 2.27% 9.57% 0.00
grossincome 3.06% 11.34% 4.49% 10.36% 4.94% 3.76% 0.00
eps 0.00 0.00 2.46% -45.61% 0.00 0.00 8.17%
equity 0.72% 13.85% -0.83% -1.98% 4.03% 0.00 0.00
retained_earnings -0.47% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
assets 3.52% 11.06% 5.76% 18.37% 7.11% 5.93% 0.00
ppnenet -11.46% -2.77% 4.72% 14.15% 9.21% 3.25% 0.00
capex 10.90% 7.80% 0.00 18.99% 14.58% 1.85% 0.00
depreciation 0.78% 7.65% 1.75% 12.39% 4.65% 4.01% 0.00
sbc 0.00 7.31% 14.46% 16.20% 11.10% 0.00 0.00
shares 22.32% 0.10% -3.28% -3.76% -1.12% -4.31% 0.00
shares_calc -1.51% 0.15% -2.42% -3.54% -1.75% -2.05% 0.00
cash 5.01% 17.74% -3.35% 7.37% -10.15% 0.00 0.00
debt 1.91% -0.36% 6.83% 18.45% -9.63% -3.35% 0.00
interest_expense 0.00 0.13% -6.42% 16.84% -16.12% -2.30% 0.00
maintainence_capex 1.72% 7.65% 0.00 18.99% 4.65% 4.01% 0.00

3. COMPARE COMPETITOR DETAIL report for CAGR_3Y_ENDING_2023 for WMT with ['COST', 'TGT', 'DG', 'DLTR', 'KR', 'SPY'] Current Market Price: 103.61 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
StockMarketPrice 4.64% 22.48% -5.13% -13.27% 9.02% 14.90% 8.29%
revenue 5.27% 13.26% 11.79% 10.89% 6.26% 6.63% 0.00
revenue::cost 5.53% 0.00 14.44% 10.55% 5.39% 0.00 0.00
owner_earnings 7.14% 7.59% -13.48% -5.38% -14.11% -8.71% 0.00
netincome_cfo -9.43% 15.73% -5.26% 12.15% 25.00% 14.15% 0.00
cashflow::operating 4.53% 7.69% -17.28% -3.93% -4.77% -1.20% 0.00
cashflow::fcf -6.26% 3.69% -17.28% -4.83% -24.07% -2.58% 0.00
cashflow::realfcf -6.26% 3.20% -13.48% -5.38% -30.89% -2.58% 0.00
netincome -9.43% 16.28% -5.37% 12.15% 25.00% 13.57% 16.73%
operatingincome -0.23% 16.02% -6.17% 13.07% 21.01% 22.38% 0.00
grossincome 4.49% 13.26% 4.97% 11.67% 8.27% 6.63% 0.00
eps 0.00 0.00 -1.81% -30.66% 27.54% 0.00 16.73%
equity 0.89% 10.24% -1.72% -6.14% 11.85% 0.00 0.00
retained_earnings -0.32% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
assets 0.94% 7.49% 7.63% 8.41% 5.56% 3.12% 0.00
ppnenet -1.43% 6.96% 6.23% 16.89% 8.61% 4.17% 0.00
capex 16.34% 15.44% 0.00 10.98% 6.47% -0.54% 0.00
depreciation -0.13% 8.08% 1.21% 12.82% 5.94% 3.83% 0.00
sbc 0.00 7.73% 14.38% 14.38% 21.72% 0.00 0.00
shares 42.24% 0.16% -3.29% -4.26% -2.00% -3.50% 0.00
shares_calc -1.64% 0.06% -2.67% -3.60% -2.52% -1.87% 0.00
cash -3.05% 3.72% -4.72% 16.66% 6.03% 0.00 0.00
debt -6.69% -5.32% 11.96% 34.01% -3.20% -2.02% 0.00
interest_expense 0.00 0.00 0.07% 28.07% -8.28% -3.91% 0.00
maintainence_capex 0.74% 8.08% 0.00 10.98% 5.94% 3.83% 0.00

4. Showing COMPARE report for ['SPY', 'TGT', 'KR', 'COST', 'WMT', 'DLTR', 'DG'] [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 103.61 as of 2025-02-13

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
COST StockMarketPrice 644.46 442.34 546.44 350.74 271.30 186.20 168.36 137.58 137.20 115.35 95.75 73.40 61.21 52.43 42.39 37.08
DG StockMarketPrice 133.06 242.81 230.51 203.97 150.10 103.02 87.64 68.83 65.97 64.32 54.87 40.11 37.43 27.90 20.41 0.00
DLTR StockMarketPrice 140.01 141.44 140.52 108.04 94.05 90.32 107.31 77.18 77.22 70.38 56.42 40.56 41.56 28.04 16.10 13.90
KR StockMarketPrice 45.22 43.54 43.35 29.81 26.64 24.69 24.19 29.85 35.71 27.11 16.45 10.64 9.70 8.79 7.93 10.03
SPY StockMarketPrice 4769.83 3839.50 4766.18 3756.07 3230.78 2506.85 2673.61 2238.83 2043.94 2058.90 1848.36 1426.19 1257.60 1257.64 1115.10 903.25
TGT StockMarketPrice 141.03 144.37 219.54 165.19 117.59 58.75 56.12 59.60 58.01 58.96 47.61 43.49 36.80 42.29 33.48 23.50
WMT StockMarketPrice 52.00 46.06 46.26 45.39 36.77 28.22 29.23 19.91 17.14 23.42 20.93 17.72 15.14 13.31 12.90 13.25
COST revenue 242290000000.00 226954000000.00 195929000000.00 166761000000.00 152703000000.00 141576000000.00 129025000000.00 118719000000.00 116199000000.00 112640000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG revenue 37844863000.00 34220449000.00 33746839000.00 27753973000.00 25625043000.00 23470967000.00 21986598000.00 20368562000.00 18909588000.00 17504167000.00 16022128000.00 14807188000.00 13035000000.00 11796380000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR revenue 28331000000.00 26321000000.00 25509300000.00 23610800000.00 22823300000.00 22245500000.00 20719200000.00 15498400000.00 8602200000.00 7840300000.00 7394500000.00 6630500000.00 5882400000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR revenue 148258000000.00 137888000000.00 132498000000.00 122286000000.00 121852000000.00 123280000000.00 115337000000.00 109830000000.00 108465000000.00 98375000000.00 96751000000.00 90374000000.00 82049000000.00 76609000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT revenue 109120000000.00 106005000000.00 93561000000.00 78112000000.00 75356000000.00 72714000000.00 70271000000.00 73785000000.00 72618000000.00 72596000000.00 73301000000.00 69865000000.00 67390000000.00 65357000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT revenue 611289000000.00 572754000000.00 559151000000.00 523964000000.00 514405000000.00 500343000000.00 485873000000.00 482130000000.00 485651000000.00 476294000000.00 469162000000.00 446950000000.00 421849000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG revenue::cost 26024765000.00 23407443000.00 23027977000.00 19264912000.00 17821173000.00 16249608000.00 15203960000.00 14062471000.00 13107081000.00 12068425000.00 10936727000.00 10109278000.00 8858444000.00 8106509000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR revenue::cost 19396000000.00 18583000000.00 17721000000.00 16570000000.00 15875000000.00 15223000000.00 14324000000.00 10841000000.00 5568000000.00 5050000000.00 4741000000.00 4252000000.00 3768000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT revenue::cost 82229000000.00 74963000000.00 66177000000.00 54864000000.00 53299000000.00 51125000000.00 49145000000.00 51997000000.00 51278000000.00 51160000000.00 50568000000.00 47860000000.00 45725000000.00 44062000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT revenue::cost 463721000000.00 429000000000.00 420315000000.00 394605000000.00 385301000000.00 373396000000.00 361256000000.00 360984000000.00 365086000000.00 358069000000.00 352488000000.00 335127000000.00 314946000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST owner_earnings 8217000000.00 4768000000.00 6512000000.00 6597000000.00 4269000000.00 3793000000.00 4842000000.00 1578000000.00 2764000000.00 2628000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG owner_earnings 1761149000.00 2644044000.00 3689491000.00 2079161000.00 2039009000.00 1704607000.00 1529160000.00 1321119000.00 1257967000.00 1165022000.00 1070541000.00 999568000.00 779070000.00 625135000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR owner_earnings 737000000.00 636000000.00 1947000000.00 1163000000.00 1082000000.00 834000000.00 1047300000.00 268500000.00 699000000.00 567000000.00 468000000.00 492000000.00 331000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR owner_earnings 1533000000.00 3576000000.00 4068000000.00 2015000000.00 1699000000.00 977000000.00 1932000000.00 2828000000.00 2267000000.00 1870000000.00 1302000000.00 1020000000.00 3366000000.00 2922000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT owner_earnings -215982000.00 -219375000.00 -189475000.00 -139901000.00 -126030000.00 -105139000.00 -107663000.00 -109746000.00 5086000000.00 7409000000.00 5463000000.00 -90000000.00 -109000000.00 -103000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT owner_earnings 17896000000.00 13523000000.00 25810000000.00 14550000000.00 17409000000.00 18286000000.00 21593000000.00 18098000000.00 19391000000.00 14387000000.00 17090000000.00 16125000000.00 16002000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST netincome_cfo 6292000000.00 5915000000.00 5079000000.00 4059000000.00 3704000000.00 3179000000.00 2714000000.00 2376000000.00 2409000000.00 2088000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG netincome_cfo 2415989000.00 2399232000.00 2655050000.00 1712555000.00 1589472000.00 1538960000.00 1251133000.00 1165080000.00 1065345000.00 1025116000.00 952662000.00 766685000.00 627857000.00 339442000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR netincome_cfo 1615400000.00 1327900000.00 1341900000.00 827000000.00 7000000.00 1714300000.00 896200000.00 282400000.00 599200000.00 596700000.00 619300000.00 488300000.00 397300000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR netincome_cfo 2249000000.00 1666000000.00 2588000000.00 1512000000.00 3078000000.00 1889000000.00 1957000000.00 2049000000.00 1747000000.00 1531000000.00 1508000000.00 596000000.00 1133000000.00 57000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT netincome_cfo 2780000000.00 6946000000.00 4368000000.00 3269000000.00 2930000000.00 2928000000.00 2669000000.00 3321000000.00 2449000000.00 2694000000.00 3315000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT netincome_cfo 11292000000.00 13940000000.00 13706000000.00 15201000000.00 7179000000.00 10523000000.00 14293000000.00 15080000000.00 17099000000.00 16695000000.00 17756000000.00 16454000000.00 16993000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST cashflow::operating 11068000000.00 7392000000.00 8958000000.00 8861000000.00 6356000000.00 5774000000.00 6726000000.00 3292000000.00 4285000000.00 3984000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG cashflow::operating 1984555000.00 2865811000.00 3876159000.00 2237998000.00 2143550000.00 1802108000.00 1605041000.00 1391686000.00 1326891000.00 1213065000.00 1131352000.00 1050480000.00 824684000.00 672823000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR cashflow::operating 1614000000.00 1431000000.00 2716000000.00 1869000000.00 1766000000.00 1510000000.00 1673000000.00 802000000.00 942000000.00 794000000.00 678000000.00 686000000.00 518000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR cashflow::operating 4498000000.00 6190000000.00 6815000000.00 4664000000.00 4164000000.00 3413000000.00 4272000000.00 4917000000.00 4215000000.00 3573000000.00 2954000000.00 2658000000.00 3366000000.00 2922000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT cashflow::operating 4018000.00 8625000.00 10525000.00 7099000.00 5970000.00 6861000.00 5337000.00 5254000.00 5157000000.00 7519000000.00 5568000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT cashflow::operating 28841000000.00 24181000000.00 36074000000.00 25255000000.00 27753000000.00 28337000000.00 31673000000.00 27552000000.00 28564000000.00 23257000000.00 25591000000.00 24255000000.00 23643000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST cashflow::fcf 6745000000.00 3501000000.00 5370000000.00 6051000000.00 3358000000.00 2805000000.00 4224000000.00 643000000.00 1892000000.00 1991000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG cashflow::fcf 1833861000.00 2722222000.00 3758100000.00 2127750000.00 2079888000.00 1738930000.00 1566127000.00 1359666000.00 1295305000.00 1185983000.00 1092205000.00 1014818000.00 795026000.00 642430000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR cashflow::fcf 365200000.00 409800000.00 1817200000.00 834200000.00 948900000.00 877800000.00 1108300000.00 321500000.00 616400000.00 463900000.00 365800000.00 435900000.00 339300000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR cashflow::fcf 1420000000.00 3576000000.00 3950000000.00 1536000000.00 1197000000.00 604000000.00 573000000.00 1568000000.00 1384000000.00 1243000000.00 892000000.00 760000000.00 3366000000.00 2922000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT cashflow::fcf 4018000.00 8625000.00 10525000.00 7099000.00 5970000.00 6861000.00 5337000.00 5254000.00 5157000000.00 7519000000.00 5568000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT cashflow::fcf 11984000000.00 11075000000.00 25810000000.00 14550000000.00 17409000000.00 18286000000.00 21054000000.00 16075000000.00 16390000000.00 10142000000.00 12693000000.00 10745000000.00 10944000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST cashflow::realfcf 5971000000.00 2777000000.00 4705000000.00 5432000000.00 2763000000.00 2261000000.00 3710000000.00 184000000.00 1498000000.00 1664000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG cashflow::realfcf 1761149000.00 2644044000.00 3689491000.00 2079161000.00 2039009000.00 1704607000.00 1529160000.00 1321119000.00 1257967000.00 1165022000.00 1070541000.00 999568000.00 779070000.00 625135000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR cashflow::realfcf 255200000.00 330800000.00 1734200000.00 773200000.00 885900000.00 812800000.00 1047300000.00 268500000.00 578400000.00 426900000.00 330800000.00 404900000.00 311300000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR cashflow::realfcf 1420000000.00 3576000000.00 3950000000.00 1536000000.00 1197000000.00 604000000.00 573000000.00 1568000000.00 1384000000.00 1243000000.00 892000000.00 760000000.00 3366000000.00 2922000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT cashflow::realfcf -215982000.00 -219375000.00 -189475000.00 -139901000.00 -126030000.00 -105139000.00 -107663000.00 -109746000.00 5086000000.00 7409000000.00 5463000000.00 -90000000.00 -109000000.00 -103000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT cashflow::realfcf 11984000000.00 11075000000.00 25810000000.00 14550000000.00 17409000000.00 18286000000.00 21054000000.00 16075000000.00 16390000000.00 10142000000.00 12693000000.00 10745000000.00 10944000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST netincome 6292000000.00 5844000000.00 5007000000.00 4002000000.00 3659000000.00 3134000000.00 2679000000.00 2350000000.00 2377000000.00 2058000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG netincome 2415989000.00 2399232000.00 2655050000.00 1712555000.00 1589472000.00 1538960000.00 1251133000.00 1165080000.00 1065345000.00 1025116000.00 952662000.00 766685000.00 627857000.00 339442000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR netincome 1615400000.00 1327900000.00 1341900000.00 827000000.00 -1590800000.00 1714300000.00 896200000.00 282400000.00 599200000.00 596700000.00 619300000.00 488300000.00 397300000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR netincome 2902000000.00 2051000000.00 3370000000.00 1981000000.00 3978000000.00 1907000000.00 2914000000.00 3094000000.00 2649000000.00 2282000000.00 2302000000.00 843000000.00 1734000000.00 589000000.00 0.00 0.00
SPY netincome 219.70 219.49 206.38 138.12 162.35 148.34 124.51 106.26 100.48 116.16 104.92 96.82 96.44 83.77 0.00 0.00
TGT netincome 2780000000.00 6946000000.00 4368000000.00 3281000000.00 2937000000.00 2934000000.00 2737000000.00 3363000000.00 -1636000000.00 1971000000.00 2999000000.00 2929000000.00 2920000000.00 2488000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT netincome 11292000000.00 13940000000.00 13706000000.00 15201000000.00 7179000000.00 10523000000.00 14293000000.00 15080000000.00 17099000000.00 16695000000.00 17756000000.00 16387000000.00 16993000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST operatingincome 8487000000.00 7840000000.00 6708000000.00 5435000000.00 4765000000.00 4480000000.00 4111000000.00 3672000000.00 3624000000.00 3220000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG operatingincome 3328302000.00 3220675000.00 3554765000.00 2302304000.00 2116306000.00 2007818000.00 2063449000.00 1940294000.00 1769093000.00 1736185000.00 1655276000.00 1490804000.00 1274065000.00 953258000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR operatingincome 2236000000.00 1811000000.00 1887000000.00 1262000000.00 -939500000.00 1999000000.00 1704000000.00 1049000000.00 1040000000.00 970000000.00 920000000.00 782000000.00 630000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR operatingincome 4126000000.00 3477000000.00 2780000000.00 2251000000.00 2614000000.00 2612000000.00 3452000000.00 3576000000.00 3137000000.00 2725000000.00 2764000000.00 1278000000.00 2182000000.00 1091000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT operatingincome 3848000000.00 8946000000.00 6539000000.00 4658000000.00 4110000000.00 4312000000.00 4969000000.00 5530000000.00 4535000000.00 5170000000.00 5740000000.00 5322000000.00 5252000000.00 4673000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT operatingincome 20428000000.00 25942000000.00 22548000000.00 20568000000.00 21957000000.00 20437000000.00 22764000000.00 24105000000.00 27147000000.00 26872000000.00 27801000000.00 26558000000.00 25542000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST grossincome 242290000000.00 226954000000.00 195929000000.00 166761000000.00 152703000000.00 141576000000.00 129025000000.00 118719000000.00 116199000000.00 112640000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG grossincome 11820098000.00 10813006000.00 10718862000.00 8489061000.00 7803870000.00 7221359000.00 6782638000.00 6306091000.00 5802507000.00 5435742000.00 5085401000.00 4697910000.00 4176556000.00 3689871000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR grossincome 8935000000.00 7738000000.00 7788000000.00 7040000000.00 6947000000.00 7021000000.00 6394000000.00 4656000000.00 3034000000.00 2789000000.00 2652000000.00 2378000000.00 2087000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR grossincome 148258000000.00 137888000000.00 132498000000.00 122286000000.00 121852000000.00 123280000000.00 115337000000.00 109830000000.00 108465000000.00 98375000000.00 96751000000.00 90374000000.00 82049000000.00 76609000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT grossincome 26891000000.00 31042000000.00 27384000000.00 23248000000.00 22057000000.00 21589000000.00 21126000000.00 21788000000.00 21340000000.00 21436000000.00 22733000000.00 22005000000.00 21665000000.00 21295000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT grossincome 147568000000.00 143754000000.00 138836000000.00 129359000000.00 129104000000.00 126947000000.00 124617000000.00 121146000000.00 120565000000.00 118225000000.00 116674000000.00 111823000000.00 106903000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST eps 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG eps 100.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 800.00 2100.00 1700.00 1300.00 1200000.00 1200000.00 800000.00 2.25 1.84 1.05 0.00 0.00
DLTR eps 7.24 5.83 5.68 3.49 -6.66 7.24 3.80 1.27 2.91 2.74 2.70 2.03 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR eps 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 0.00 0.00
SPY eps 219.70 219.49 206.38 138.12 162.35 148.34 124.51 106.26 100.48 116.16 104.92 96.82 96.44 83.77 0.00 0.00
TGT eps 6.02 14.23 8.72 6.36 5.51 5.33 4.70 5.31 -2.56 3.10 4.57 4.31 4.03 3.31 0.00 0.00
WMT eps 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 99999999.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST equity 25058000000.00 20647000000.00 18078000000.00 18705000000.00 15584000000.00 13103000000.00 11079000000.00 12332000000.00 10843000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG equity 5541772000.00 6261986000.00 6661238000.00 6702500000.00 6417393000.00 6125774000.00 5406294000.00 5377876000.00 5710038000.00 5402193000.00 4985330000.00 4674582000.00 4054479000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR equity 8751000000.00 7718000000.00 7285000000.00 6254000000.00 5642000000.00 7182000000.00 5389000000.00 4406000000.00 1785000000.00 1170000000.00 1667000000.00 1344000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT equity 11232000000.00 12827000000.00 14440000000.00 11833000000.00 11297000000.00 11709000000.00 10953000000.00 11833000000.00 11297000000.00 11709000000.00 10953000000.00 15821000000.00 15487000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT equity 83754000000.00 91891000000.00 87531000000.00 81552000000.00 79634000000.00 80822000000.00 80535000000.00 83611000000.00 85937000000.00 81339000000.00 81738000000.00 75761000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT retained_earnings 83135000000.00 86904000000.00 88763000000.00 83943000000.00 80785000000.00 85107000000.00 89354000000.00 90021000000.00 85777000000.00 76566000000.00 72978000000.00 68691000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST assets 68994000000.00 64166000000.00 59268000000.00 55556000000.00 45400000000.00 40830000000.00 36347000000.00 33163000000.00 33017000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG assets 29083367000.00 26327371000.00 25862624000.00 22825084000.00 13204038000.00 12516911000.00 11672298000.00 11257885000.00 11224104000.00 10867524000.00 10367682000.00 9688520000.00 9546222000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR assets 23022000000.00 21721000000.00 20696000000.00 19574000000.00 13501000000.00 16332000000.00 15701000000.00 15901000000.00 3567000000.00 2771000000.00 2752000000.00 2328000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR assets 49623000000.00 49086000000.00 48662000000.00 45256000000.00 38118000000.00 37197000000.00 36505000000.00 33897000000.00 30556000000.00 29281000000.00 24652000000.00 23476000000.00 23505000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT assets 53335000000.00 53811000000.00 51248000000.00 42779000000.00 41290000000.00 40303000000.00 37431000000.00 40262000000.00 41404000000.00 44553000000.00 48163000000.00 46630000000.00 43705000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT assets 243197000000.00 244860000000.00 252496000000.00 236495000000.00 219295000000.00 204522000000.00 198825000000.00 199581000000.00 203706000000.00 204751000000.00 203105000000.00 193406000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST ppnenet 26684000000.00 24646000000.00 23492000000.00 21807000000.00 32626000000.00 30714000000.00 28341000000.00 26167000000.00 23664000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG ppnenet 5236309000.00 4346127000.00 3899997000.00 3278359000.00 2970806000.00 2701282000.00 2434456000.00 2264062000.00 2116075000.00 2080305000.00 2088665000.00 1794960000.00 1524575000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR ppnenet 4972000000.00 4477000000.00 4116000000.00 3881000000.00 3445000000.00 3200000000.00 3115000000.00 3125000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR ppnenet 24726000000.00 23789000000.00 22386000000.00 21871000000.00 21635000000.00 21071000000.00 21016000000.00 19619000000.00 17912000000.00 16893000000.00 14875000000.00 14464000000.00 14147000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT ppnenet 31512000000.00 28181000000.00 26879000000.00 26283000000.00 25533000000.00 25018000000.00 24658000000.00 25217000000.00 25958000000.00 31378000000.00 30653000000.00 29149000000.00 25493000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT ppnenet 100760000000.00 94515000000.00 92201000000.00 105208000000.00 104317000000.00 185154000000.00 179492000000.00 176958000000.00 177395000000.00 173089000000.00 165825000000.00 155002000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST capex 4323000000.00 3891000000.00 3588000000.00 2810000000.00 2998000000.00 2969000000.00 2502000000.00 2649000000.00 2393000000.00 1993000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG capex 150694000.00 143589000.00 118059000.00 110248000.00 63662000.00 63178000.00 38914000.00 32020000.00 31586000.00 27082000.00 39147000.00 35662000.00 29658000.00 30393000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR capex 1248800000.00 1021200000.00 898800000.00 1034800000.00 817100000.00 632200000.00 564700000.00 480500000.00 325600000.00 330100000.00 312200000.00 250100000.00 178700000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR capex 3078000000.00 2614000000.00 2865000000.00 3128000000.00 2967000000.00 2809000000.00 3699000000.00 3349000000.00 2831000000.00 2330000000.00 2062000000.00 1898000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT capex 16857000000.00 13106000000.00 10264000000.00 10705000000.00 10344000000.00 10051000000.00 10619000000.00 11477000000.00 12174000000.00 13115000000.00 12898000000.00 13510000000.00 12699000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST depreciation 2077000000.00 1900000000.00 1781000000.00 1645000000.00 1492000000.00 1437000000.00 1370000000.00 1255000000.00 1127000000.00 1029000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG depreciation 724877000.00 641316000.00 574237000.00 504804000.00 454134000.00 404231000.00 379931000.00 352431000.00 342353000.00 332837000.00 302911000.00 275408000.00 254927000.00 256771000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR depreciation 767000000.00 716000000.00 686000000.00 645000000.00 621000000.00 611000000.00 637000000.00 487000000.00 205000000.00 190000000.00 175000000.00 163000000.00 159000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR depreciation 2965000000.00 2824000000.00 2747000000.00 2649000000.00 2465000000.00 2436000000.00 2340000000.00 2089000000.00 1948000000.00 1703000000.00 1652000000.00 1638000000.00 1600000000.00 1525000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT depreciation 2700000000.00 2642000000.00 2485000000.00 2604000000.00 2474000000.00 2476000000.00 2318000000.00 2213000000.00 2129000000.00 2223000000.00 2142000000.00 2131000000.00 2084000000.00 2023000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT depreciation 10945000000.00 10658000000.00 11152000000.00 10987000000.00 10678000000.00 10529000000.00 10080000000.00 9454000000.00 9173000000.00 8870000000.00 8501000000.00 8130000000.00 7641000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST sbc 774000000.00 724000000.00 665000000.00 619000000.00 595000000.00 544000000.00 514000000.00 459000000.00 394000000.00 327000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG sbc 72712000.00 78178000.00 68609000.00 48589000.00 40879000.00 34323000.00 36967000.00 38547000.00 37338000.00 20961000.00 21664000.00 15250000.00 15956000.00 17295000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR sbc 110000000.00 79000000.00 83000000.00 61000000.00 63000000.00 65000000.00 61000000.00 53000000.00 38000000.00 37000000.00 35000000.00 31000000.00 28000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT sbc 220000000.00 228000000.00 200000000.00 147000000.00 132000000.00 112000000.00 113000000.00 115000000.00 71000000.00 110000000.00 105000000.00 90000000.00 109000000.00 103000000.00 0.00 0.00
COST shares 444452000.00 444757000.00 444346000.00 442297000.00 443089000.00 442297000.00 438437000.00 441263000.00 442716000.00 442485000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG shares 225148000.00 234261000.00 248171000.00 256553000.00 265155000.00 272751000.00 281317000.00 294330000.00 304633000.00 322886000.00 332254000.00 341234000.00 341047000.00 322778000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR shares 224000000.00 229000000.00 237000000.00 238000000.00 238000000.00 237000000.00 236000000.00 223000000.00 207000000.00 219000000.00 230000000.00 242000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR shares 718000000.00 744000000.00 773000000.00 799000000.00 810000000.00 895000000.00 942000000.00 966000000.00 981000000.00 1028000000.00 533000000.00 590000000.00 635000000.00 647000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT shares 462100000.00 488100000.00 500600000.00 510900000.00 528000000.00 546000000.00 577000000.00 627000000.00 634000000.00 635000000.00 656000000.00 679000000.00 723000000.00 752000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT shares 8202000000.00 8415000000.00 2831000000.00 2850000000.00 2929000000.00 2995000000.00 3101000000.00 3207000000.00 3243000000.00 3283000000.00 3389000000.00 3474000000.00 3670000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST shares_calc 443728000.00 443728992.00 443432000.00 442955008.00 441758016.00 440489984.00 439184992.00 438941000.00 439777000.00 442485000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG shares_calc 219496992.00 223575008.00 231706000.00 245000992.00 254600000.00 262884000.00 271564000.00 276264000.00 290935000.00 322886000.00 332254000.00 341234000.00 341047000.00 322778000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR shares_calc 217872000.00 221184000.00 224956000.00 235192000.00 236662000.00 237970000.00 236844992.00 236071000.00 234796000.00 219000000.00 230000000.00 242000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR shares_calc 719422976.00 715822016.00 735256000.00 761347008.00 800587008.00 797742976.00 865976000.00 938125000.00 974723000.00 1028000000.00 533000000.00 590000000.00 635000000.00 647000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT shares_calc 461662016.00 460310016.00 479124000.00 500772992.00 506736992.00 521833984.00 526112992.00 561695000.00 616052000.00 635000000.00 656000000.00 679000000.00 723000000.00 752000000.00 0.00 0.00
WMT shares_calc 8108000000.00 8121763485.90 8353900110.52 8520774281.77 8544535800.66 8749567949.03 8886838135.76 9255310859.99 9642907626.77 9887180927.10 10206413695.38 10462402235.99 11052681694.32 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST cash 13700000000.00 10203000000.00 11258000000.00 12277000000.00 8384000000.00 6055000000.00 4546000000.00 3379000000.00 4801000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG cash 381576000.00 344829000.00 1376577000.00 240320000.00 235487000.00 267441000.00 187915000.00 157947000.00 579823000.00 505566000.00 140809000.00 126126000.00 497446000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR cash 642800000.00 984900000.00 1416700000.00 539200000.00 422100000.00 1097800000.00 866400000.00 736100000.00 864100000.00 267700000.00 399900000.00 288300000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT cash 2229000000.00 5911000000.00 8511000000.00 2577000000.00 1556000000.00 2643000000.00 2512000000.00 4046000000.00 2210000000.00 695000000.00 784000000.00 794000000.00 1712000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT cash 8625000000.00 14760000000.00 17741000000.00 9465000000.00 7722000000.00 6756000000.00 6867000000.00 8705000000.00 9135000000.00 7281000000.00 7781000000.00 6550000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST debt 6458000000.00 13114000000.00 7491000000.00 7609000000.00 6823000000.00 6577000000.00 6573000000.00 4061000000.00 4852000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG debt 7009399000.00 4172068000.00 4130975000.00 2912548000.00 2864690000.00 3005958000.00 3211526000.00 2970554000.00 2740585000.00 2818754000.00 2772228000.00 2618481000.00 3288227000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR debt 3421000000.00 3417000000.00 3226000000.00 3772000000.00 4265000000.00 5677000000.00 6321000000.00 7346000000.00 682000000.00 12000000.00 14000000.00 15000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR debt 13814000000.00 13842000000.00 13948000000.00 14684000000.00 23337500000.00 16381000000.00 15601000000.00 13459000000.00 11656000000.00 11310000000.00 8879000000.00 8165000000.00 7892000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TGT debt 16139000000.00 13720000000.00 12680000000.00 11499000000.00 11275000000.00 11598000000.00 12749000000.00 12760000000.00 12796000000.00 13782000000.00 17648000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT debt 115806000000.00 112652000000.00 124535000000.00 142562000000.00 115732000000.00 105373000000.00 103413000000.00 111142000000.00 108089000000.00 110185000000.00 104922000000.00 103519000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COST interest_expense 160000000.00 158000000.00 171000000.00 160000000.00 150000000.00 159000000.00 134000000.00 133000000.00 124000000.00 113000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG interest_expense 211273000.00 157526000.00 150385000.00 100574000.00 99871000.00 97036000.00 97821000.00 86944000.00 88232000.00 88984000.00 127926000.00 204991000.00 274212000.00 345744000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR interest_expense 125000000.00 178000000.00 147000000.00 162000000.00 370000000.00 301000000.00 375000000.00 599000000.00 80000000.00 15000000.00 2000000.00 2000000.00 5000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR interest_expense 535000000.00 571000000.00 544000000.00 603000000.00 620000000.00 601000000.00 522000000.00 482000000.00 488000000.00 443000000.00 462000000.00 435000000.00 448000000.00 502000000.00 0.00 0.00
TGT interest_expense 478000000.00 421000000.00 977000000.00 477000000.00 461000000.00 666000000.00 1004000000.00 607000000.00 882000000.00 1126000000.00 762000000.00 866000000.00 757000000.00 801000000.00 0.00 0.00
COST maintainence_capex 2077000000.00 1900000000.00 1781000000.00 1645000000.00 1492000000.00 1437000000.00 1370000000.00 1255000000.00 1127000000.00 1029000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DG maintainence_capex 150694000.00 143589000.00 118059000.00 110248000.00 63662000.00 63178000.00 38914000.00 32020000.00 31586000.00 27082000.00 39147000.00 35662000.00 29658000.00 30393000.00 0.00 0.00
DLTR maintainence_capex 767000000.00 716000000.00 686000000.00 645000000.00 621000000.00 611000000.00 564700000.00 480500000.00 205000000.00 190000000.00 175000000.00 163000000.00 159000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KR maintainence_capex 2965000000.00 2614000000.00 2747000000.00 2649000000.00 2465000000.00 2436000000.00 2340000000.00 2089000000.00 1948000000.00 1703000000.00 1652000000.00 1638000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WMT maintainence_capex 10945000000.00 10658000000.00 10264000000.00 10705000000.00 10344000000.00 10051000000.00 10080000000.00 9454000000.00 9173000000.00 8870000000.00 8501000000.00 8130000000.00 7641000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

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