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We have 14 report results for ticker: WMT - Walmart Inc., also organized by 15 group tags below ... Bargain Finder: Related Companies Portfolio Health: Related Companies

1. Showing IS_BUSINESS_GOOD:MARGIN report for WMT [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 91.94 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
WMT margin_gross 24.38% 24.14% 25.10% 24.83% 24.69% 25.10% 25.37% 25.65% 25.13% 24.83% 24.82% 24.87% 25.02% 25.34%
WMT margin_owner_earnings 3.68% 2.93% 2.36% 4.62% 2.78% 3.38% 3.65% 4.44% 3.75% 3.99% 3.02% 3.64% 3.61% 3.79%
WMT margin_cfo 5.51% 4.72% 4.22% 6.45% 4.82% 5.40% 5.66% 6.52% 5.71% 5.88% 4.88% 5.45% 5.43% 5.60%
WMT margin_op 4.17% 3.34% 4.53% 4.03% 3.93% 4.27% 4.08% 4.69% 5.00% 5.59% 5.64% 5.93% 5.94% 6.05%
WMT margin_fcf 2.33% 1.96% 1.93% 4.62% 2.78% 3.38% 3.65% 4.33% 3.33% 3.37% 2.13% 2.71% 2.40% 2.59%
WMT margin_fcf_real 2.33% 1.96% 1.93% 4.62% 2.78% 3.38% 3.65% 4.33% 3.33% 3.37% 2.13% 2.71% 2.40% 2.59%
WMT margin_net 2.51% 1.85% 2.43% 2.45% 2.90% 1.40% 2.10% 2.94% 3.13% 3.52% 3.51% 3.78% 3.67% 4.03%
General notes:
Caution:: 0 value in revenue means we do not have data for the year for the ticker
0 value most likely means we had a data issue and could not find the field value in the particular year
StockMarketPrice is the price of the Stock in December first week for the year mentioned(typically)

Business Checklist for WMT from SecDiver AI beta Free for Limited Time

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Wall Street Drivers beta

📊 Professional Investors(wallstreet) pay a lot of heed at these numbers, long term history matters - specially 9+ year trends
Score 6.0 / 10.0

  • roe average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['28.04 is greater than equal to 10']
  • mental_model: Good Business have return on equity >= 10%, ROE matters for businesses like Insurance, Banks, Financials
  • roce average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['11.92 is greater than equal to 15']
  • mental_model: Good Business have return on capital >= 15%, for some industries like finance specially Banks this might be lower/red and its OK for them
  • roic average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['23.76 is greater than equal to 15']
  • mental_model: Good Business have return on invested capital >= 15%, for some industries like finance specially Banks this might be lower/red and its OK for them
  • roce_cashflow::operating average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['14.47 is greater than equal to 15']
  • mental_model: Good Business have return on capital >= 15%
  • roic_cashflow::operating average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['28.44 is greater than equal to 15']
  • mental_model: Good Business have return on invested capital >= 15%

Business Durability beta

🏰 Quality companies with moats show higher or stable trends, long term trends matters, Consistency is the Key
Score 8.0 / 10.0

  • roa average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['trend is lower, last 3 year ratio: 9.91 wrt mean ratio: 10.957']
  • mental_model: We want stability on increasing return on assets
  • roe average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['trend is stable, last 3 year ratio: 28.04 wrt mean ratio: 28.406']
  • mental_model: We want stability on increasing return on equity
  • roce average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['trend is stable, last 3 year ratio: 11.92 wrt mean ratio: 11.993']
  • mental_model: We want stability on increasing return on capital employed
  • roic average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['trend is higher, last 3 year ratio: 23.76 wrt mean ratio: 16.529']
  • mental_model: We want stability on increasing return on invested capital
  • roce_cashflow::operating average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['trend is stable, last 3 year ratio: 14.47 wrt mean ratio: 14.455']
  • mental_model: We want stability on increasing return on capital employed
  • roic_cashflow::operating average for last 3 years
  • insight: ['trend is higher, last 3 year ratio: 28.44 wrt mean ratio: 19.629']
  • mental_model: We want stability on increasing return on invested capital

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We do NOT feel in CONTROL in the markets. Do we know why?

2. Showing IS_BUSINESS_GOOD:RETURNS report for WMT [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 91.94 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
WMT opLeverage 26.20 -27.99 12.62 2.91 -8.19 4.63 -13.20 -6.34 -10.48 -0.94 -4.86 -0.29 -1.97 0.0
WMT opLeverageFlag 1.00 0.0 1.00 1.00 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT roa 11.11% 8.34% 10.27% 9.53% 9.38% 10.74% 10.28% 11.41% 11.83% 13.26% 13.23% 14.37% 0.0 0.0
WMT roa_goodwill 12.56% 8.34% 10.27% 9.53% 9.38% 10.74% 10.28% 11.41% 11.83% 13.26% 13.23% 14.37% 0.0 0.0
WMT roe 32.25% 22.23% 29.64% 27.65% 25.83% 27.17% 25.38% 27.23% 28.05% 33.38% 32.88% 36.70% 0.0 0.0
WMT roce 13.54% 9.99% 12.23% 10.06% 10.53% 11.79% 11.11% 11.69% 12.42% 14.17% 14.40% 15.51% 0.0 0.0
WMT roic 24.22% 19.63% 27.44% 20.69% 19.08% 11.65% 10.93% 12.07% 12.63% 14.50% 15.07% 16.84% 16.09% inf
WMT roic_cash 24.18% 19.58% 27.34% 20.66% 19.05% 11.64% 10.92% 12.06% 12.61% 14.49% 15.06% 16.83% 16.08% inf
WMT roce_cfo 17.90% 14.10% 11.40% 16.10% 12.93% 14.91% 15.40% 16.26% 14.20% 14.91% 12.46% 14.27% 0.0 0.0
WMT roic_cfo 32.03% 27.72% 25.58% 33.11% 23.43% 14.73% 15.16% 16.80% 14.43% 15.26% 13.04% 15.51% 14.70% inf
WMT roic_cashflow::operating_cash 31.98% 27.64% 25.49% 33.05% 23.39% 14.72% 15.15% 16.78% 14.42% 15.25% 13.03% 15.49% 14.68% inf
WMT roic_owner_earnings 21.41% 17.20% 14.31% 23.69% 13.50% 9.24% 9.78% 11.45% 9.48% 10.36% 8.07% 10.35% 9.77% inf
WMT roic_owner_earnings_cash 21.37% 17.15% 14.25% 23.65% 13.48% 9.23% 9.77% 11.44% 9.47% 10.35% 8.06% 10.35% 9.76% inf
WMT roiic_cashflow::operating_3 inf 39.08% -13.81% 19.26% -999.00% inf inf 103.99% 13.30% 35.19% -0.21% 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT roiic_cashflow::operating_5 59.66% 2.45% -43.27% 28.32% -86.13% inf 58.83% 47.94% 2.01% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT roiic_cashflow::operating_9 89.12% 31.23% -4.30% 26.36% 0.83% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT roiif_cashflow::operating_3 inf inf inf inf inf 2.59% -3.55% 75.60% 8.76% 23.82% -0.23% 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT roiif_cashflow::operating_5 inf inf inf inf inf 23.26% 11.21% 33.79% 2.20% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT roiif_cashflow::operating_9 inf inf inf inf 1.55% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Notes on the above Report:
Operating leverage is diff in YoY growth of operating income with Revenue, +ve number means business has leverage which is also marked by operating_leverage_status
Operating_leverage_status is business had operating leverage for year +ve else its 0
returns are calculated based on operating income as the numerator
assets: its the previous year assets, for year 2022 it wil be 2021 and so on
equity: its the previous year equity
roce: roce for the year is operating income divided by prev year (equity and debt)
roa: roa for the year is operating income divided by prev year assets
roe: roe for the year is operating income divided by prev year equity
roiic: its return on incremental invested capital(c) employed(previous year debt + previous year equity) in the last x years(starting from the year associated)
roiif: its return on incremental invested fixed(f) capital(previous year ppnenet) employed in the last x years(starting from the year associated)
roiic_income::operating_3: means Numerator is diff in operating income for periods for last 3 years divided by diff in capital for last 3 years
roiic_income::operating_5: means Numerator is diff in operating income for periods for last 5 years divided by diff in capital for last 5 years
_3, _5, _9 means 3 year diff, 5 year diff, 9 year diff to calculate these values
inf values in roiic and roiif means the business did not add any net new capital, diff in capital was negative for the two years compared against
Caution:: 0 value in revenue means we do not have data for the year for the ticker
0 value most likely means we had a data issue and could not find the field value in the particular year

3. Showing IS_BUSINESS_GOOD:REVENUE_GROWTH report for WMT [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 91.94 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
WMT revenue_01_YoY 6.03% 6.73% 2.43% 6.72% 1.86% 2.81% 2.98% 0.78% -0.73% 1.96% 1.52% 4.97% 5.95%
WMT revenue_03_YoY 5.05% 5.27% 3.65% 3.77% 2.55% 2.18% 1.00% 0.67% 0.91% 2.81% 4.13% 0.0 0.0
WMT revenue_05_YoY 4.73% 4.09% 3.34% 3.01% 1.53% 1.55% 1.30% 1.68% 2.71% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT revenue_10_YoY 3.13% 2.68% 2.51% 2.86% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
General notes:
Caution:: 0 value in revenue means we do not have data for the year for the ticker
0 value most likely means we had a data issue and could not find the field value in the particular year
StockMarketPrice is the price of the Stock in December first week for the year mentioned(typically)

4. Showing IS_BUSINESS_GOOD:INCOME_GROWTH report for WMT [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 91.94 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
WMT cashflow::fcf_01_YoY 26.17% 8.21% -57.09% 77.39% -16.42% -4.80% -13.15% 30.97% -1.92% 61.61% -20.10% 18.13% -1.82%
WMT cashflow::fcf_03_YoY inf inf inf 12.17% inf 2.69% 3.72% 27.57% 8.19% 15.11% inf 0.0 0.0
WMT cashflow::fcf_05_YoY inf inf inf 9.93% inf 11.41% 7.57% 14.40% 7.99% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT cashflow::fcf_10_YoY 4.07% inf 0.30% 8.96% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT cashflow::realfcf_01_YoY 26.17% 8.21% -57.09% 77.39% -16.42% -4.80% -13.15% 30.97% -1.92% 61.61% -20.10% 18.13% -1.82%
WMT cashflow::realfcf_03_YoY inf inf inf 12.17% inf 2.69% 3.72% 27.57% 8.19% 15.11% inf 0.0 0.0
WMT cashflow::realfcf_05_YoY inf inf inf 9.93% inf 11.41% 7.57% 14.40% 7.99% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT cashflow::realfcf_10_YoY 4.07% inf 0.30% 8.96% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT income::net_01_YoY 44.08% -19.00% 1.71% -9.83% 111.74% -31.78% -26.38% -5.22% -11.81% 2.42% -5.98% 8.35% -3.57%
WMT income::net_03_YoY 5.88% inf 24.76% 9.21% 2.07% inf inf inf inf 1.43% inf 0.0 0.0
WMT income::net_05_YoY 17.78% 1.42% inf inf inf inf inf inf inf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT income::net_10_YoY inf inf inf inf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT income::operating_01_YoY 32.23% -21.26% 15.05% 9.63% -6.33% 7.44% -10.22% -5.56% -11.21% 1.02% -3.34% 4.68% 3.98%
WMT income::operating_03_YoY 6.21% inf 5.72% 3.33% inf inf inf inf inf 0.73% 1.71% 0.0 0.0
WMT income::operating_05_YoY 4.23% inf 2.65% inf inf inf inf inf inf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
WMT income::operating_10_YoY 0.05% inf inf inf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
General notes:
Caution:: 0 value in revenue means we do not have data for the year for the ticker
0 value most likely means we had a data issue and could not find the field value in the particular year
StockMarketPrice is the price of the Stock in December first week for the year mentioned(typically)

Business Checklist for WMT from SecDiver AI beta Free for Limited Time

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Wall Street Drivers beta

📊 Professional Investors(wallstreet) pay a lot of heed at these numbers, long term history matters - specially 9+ year trends
Score 10.0 / 10.0

  • shares outstanding cagr for last 9 years
  • insight: ['-2.2 is less than equal to 2']
  • mental_model: As a business owner equity is important, We want less dilution over years OR it should reduce so our share of business increases with time, less than 2% is ideal, >=10% is potentially bad be careful

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We do NOT feel in CONTROL in the markets. Do we know why?

5. Showing IS_BUSINESS_GOOD:SHARES_OUTSTANDING report for WMT [show/hide charts] Current Market Price: 91.94 as of 2025-01-20

T means Trillions, B means Billions, M means Millions, all values are in USD(or company filed currency) if not specified as percent/number in the Entry column
Disclaimer: Data is provided as is, please do your due diligence before making any investments, Markets can be very volatile!
Ticker Entry 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
WMT shares 8.11B 8.20B 8.41B 2.83B 2.85B 2.93B 3.00B 3.10B 3.21B 3.24B 3.28B 3.39B 3.47B 3.67B
WMT shares_calc 8.11B 8.11B 8.12B 8.35B 8.52B 8.54B 8.75B 8.89B 9.26B 9.64B 9.89B 10.21B 10.46B 11.05B
WMT shares_buyback -2.78B -9.92B -9.79B -2.62B -5.72B -7.41B -8.30B -8.30B -4.11B -1.01B -6.68B -7.60B -6.30B -14.78B
General notes:
Caution:: 0 value in revenue means we do not have data for the year for the ticker
0 value most likely means we had a data issue and could not find the field value in the particular year
StockMarketPrice is the price of the Stock in December first week for the year mentioned(typically)