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Ticker assets assets_YoY assets_perc_last_3 assets_perc_last_5 assets_perc_last_5_avg assets_perc_last_9 assets_perc_last_9_avg assets_perc_z_5_global assets_perc_z_9_global cashflow::operating cashflow::operating_YoY cashflow::operating_perc_last_3 cashflow::operating_perc_last_5 cashflow::operating_perc_last_5_avg cashflow::operating_perc_last_9 cashflow::operating_perc_last_9_avg cashflow::operating_perc_z_5_global cashflow::operating_perc_z_9_global debt debt_YoY debt_perc_last_3 debt_perc_last_5 debt_perc_last_5_avg debt_perc_last_9 debt_perc_last_9_avg debt_perc_z_5_global debt_perc_z_9_global ev equity equity_YoY equity_perc_last_3 equity_perc_last_5 equity_perc_last_5_avg equity_perc_last_9 equity_perc_last_9_avg equity_perc_z_5_global equity_perc_z_9_global evToEbitda evToEbitda_avg_last_3 evToEbitda_global_avg_3 evToOcf evToOcf_avg_last_3 evToOcf_global_avg_3 netincome income::net_YoY income::net_perc_last_3 income::net_perc_last_5 income::net_perc_last_5_avg income::net_perc_last_9 income::net_perc_last_9_avg income::net_perc_z_5_global income::net_perc_z_9_global operatingincome income::operating_YoY income::operating_perc_last_3 income::operating_perc_last_5 income::operating_perc_last_5_avg income::operating_perc_last_9 income::operating_perc_last_9_avg income::operating_perc_z_5_global income::operating_perc_z_9_global interestRate interest_expense margin_cfo margin_cashflow::operating_avg_last_3 margin_cashflow::operating_global_avg_3 margin_net margin_income::net_avg_last_3 margin_income::net_global_avg_3 margin_op margin_income::operating_avg_last_3 margin_income::operating_global_avg_3 marketcap pb pe pe_avg_last_3 pe_global_avg_3 pocf pocf_avg_last_3 pocf_global_avg_3 revenue revenue_YoY revenue_perc_last_3 revenue_perc_last_5 revenue_perc_last_5_avg revenue_perc_last_9 revenue_perc_last_9_avg revenue_perc_z_5_global revenue_perc_z_9_global roa_cfo roce_cfo roce_cashflow::operating_avg_last_3 roce_cashflow::operating_global_avg_3 roe_cfo roic_cfo roic_cashflow::operating_avg_last_3 roic_cashflow::operating_global_avg_3 rotc_cfo rotc_cashflow::operating_avg_last_3 rotc_cashflow::operating_global_avg_3 shares_calc shares_calc_YoY shares_calc_perc_last_3 shares_calc_perc_last_5 shares_calc_perc_last_5_avg shares_calc_perc_last_9 shares_calc_perc_last_9_avg shares_calc_perc_z_5_global shares_calc_perc_z_9_global yield_cfo yield_cfo_ev
EOG 41154666666.67 6.01 7.0 5.26 4.9 2.62 4.04 4.04 4.04 10408000000.0 2.23 31.32 7.86 12.94 3.06 6.54 7.95 6.54 6354666666.67 -62.59 -13.24 -8.99 -2.13 -4.79 -0.04 0.04 -0.04 62478889070.51 25016333333.33 13.36 11.43 7.72 7.93 5.26 6.12 6.15 6.12 5.09 5.86 6.42 5.94 5.62 8.3 6672333333.33 -2.13 200.45 17.3 31.34 11.22 15.79 20.81 15.79 8585666666.67 -2.78 235.07 16.74 41.61 7.06 9.37 20.65 9.37 0.03 168333333.33 45.74 45.83 44.41 28.87 19.68 7.54 37.19 25.79 10.23 61610555737.17 2.45 9.28 10.74 14.66 5.86 5.4 7.49 22843333333.33 -5.9 29.91 6.96 9.7 3.31 7.31 8.37 7.31 26.99 35.59 31.58 28.31 46.36 14.41 12.4 12.13 14.58 12.51 12.14 585210005.33 -0.72 -0.01 0.11 0.61 0.68 0.78 0.8 0.78 17.23 17.08
ETN 35824333333.33 9.76 6.49 4.33 1.61 1.53 1.85 1.85 1.85 2773333333.33 43.07 7.17 6.4 3.8 7.58 6.67 6.77 6.67 14579000000.0 -46.45 4.78 4.27 6.97 0.29 5.29 5.09 5.29 89052598666.67 17531666666.67 11.68 8.39 3.39 1.01 2.08 2.78 2.71 2.78 21.43 20.3 13.49 32.87 28.42 17.71 2611333333.33 30.75 31.57 8.47 0.92 6.67 5.36 5.6 5.36 3211333333.33 31.47 29.9 9.56 3.41 9.01 7.15 7.37 7.15 0.01 146333333.33 12.95 13.58 12.01 12.23 10.73 9.78 15.09 13.38 11.11 74473598666.67 4.21 28.49 28.01 16.8 27.09 23.09 13.67 21192000000.0 11.78 9.11 1.43 -0.49 0.31 1.59 1.63 1.59 8.2 9.16 10.27 10.5 17.02 23.98 23.04 21.01 35.38 33.72 31.88 398533333.33 0.4 0.06 -1.63 -2.35 -1.93 0.3 0.35 0.3 3.73 3.09
FI 78245666666.67 9.99 2.65 52.14 42.16 27.36 27.48 35.78 27.48 4266333333.33 14.48 18.22 25.51 19.71 18.03 18.03 19.71 18.03 20330000000.0 0.82 -1.42 33.28 30.97 20.5 21.62 27.25 21.62 210799260350.44 32322333333.33 -0.82 -3.13 63.27 49.34 27.4 27.8 40.39 27.8 42.76 85.44 112.29 50.32 101.28 141.84 1607333333.33 89.66 41.5 15.22 9.03 16.34 16.34 9.03 16.34 2454000000.0 61.1 32.24 19.35 8.67 14.84 14.84 8.67 14.84 0.04 -711666666.67 26.27 26.78 26.16 9.64 9.77 14.07 14.74 14.95 21.09 190469260350.44 5.78 178.07 303.43 278.3 45.54 95.92 137.58 16271666666.67 9.31 20.3 25.51 18.32 15.59 15.59 18.32 15.59 5.61 7.91 14.91 18.51 12.82 109.6 132.05 132.64 257.04 370.87 398.05 1716204289.04 0.0 -44.73 -29.77 -16.48 -25.4 -25.4 -16.48 -25.4 4.67 3.62
GD 52156000000.0 6.25 2.23 3.84 7.38 4.99 4.53 4.6 4.53 4520000000.0 2.86 6.88 8.39 5.85 2.33 2.51 3.3 2.51 13916000000.0 -55.88 -10.68 -5.7 22.74 10.05 14.65 15.67 14.65 77946279058.24 19169333333.33 14.71 10.79 12.67 8.81 6.75 3.39 3.57 3.39 15.32 13.48 10.98 17.21 16.56 15.0 3320666666.67 -2.21 1.53 -0.18 2.46 3.03 177.46 783.75 177.46 4206333333.33 0.81 0.9 -0.97 0.22 0.98 4.48 4.86 4.48 0.13 1055333333.33 11.29 10.62 9.76 8.3 8.44 8.6 10.52 10.83 11.41 64030279058.24 3.34 19.27 16.66 14.55 14.13 13.23 12.69 40049333333.33 7.27 3.68 3.15 4.28 3.56 2.27 2.15 2.27 8.86 14.18 14.46 17.57 26.2 27.34 26.19 33.11 82.7 82.35 87.15 275556330.67 -0.6 -1.66 -1.62 -1.96 -2.26 -2.53 -2.5 -2.53 7.1 5.85
GOOGL 377640000000.0 10.16 3.85 11.57 16.18 13.46 13.46 16.18 13.46 94964333333.33 11.2 16.04 16.23 19.0 17.95 18.63 19.3 18.63 14218333333.33 -9.85 -3.65 27.0 34.08 16.99 16.99 34.08 16.99 844449896666.67 265222333333.33 10.63 4.04 9.79 13.22 11.8 11.8 13.22 11.8 9.09 9.71 9.43 8.88 9.07 8.64 69933333333.33 23.05 22.37 19.15 25.23 20.16 19.48 24.23 19.48 79283000000.0 12.63 26.92 19.28 19.81 19.27 19.02 19.34 19.02 0.0 0.0 33.67 34.39 35.1 24.91 24.48 21.57 28.14 26.48 25.67 852833563333.33 3.21 12.05 12.91 15.25 8.97 9.17 8.88 282622333333.33 8.68 18.98 17.57 20.13 18.64 19.23 20.07 19.23 26.14 35.25 32.6 30.22 37.29 66.35 65.2 74.47 88.48 86.61 98.24 6865000000.0 -1.19 -0.6 -0.55 -0.01 0.07 0.23 0.16 0.23 11.64 11.77
HD 74950333333.33 0.11 2.73 11.7 9.94 7.49 6.06 6.15 6.06 17452666666.67 44.86 3.97 9.97 10.15 11.05 10.81 10.72 10.81 42463333333.33 2.13 5.81 8.6 10.85 11.03 13.62 13.67 13.62 392678706113.92 303333333.33 -33.16 -31.85 20.64 -8.75 -21.59 -20.91 -18.07 -20.91 16.35 16.84 13.05 23.66 22.31 18.17 16227000000.0 -11.47 5.58 6.37 12.34 10.15 14.19 14.14 14.19 22922666666.67 -9.78 5.87 6.91 9.3 8.43 11.69 11.82 11.69 0.04 1635666666.67 11.37 11.81 10.69 10.55 10.44 8.24 14.91 14.72 12.84 329082313570.88 52.86 23.76 24.6 21.75 21.46 20.27 16.36 153743000000.0 -3.01 4.94 7.13 8.08 6.98 6.92 6.93 6.92 23.84 42.09 47.68 39.96 332.0 46.61 49.4 36.82 69.23 69.63 52.01 1005484010.67 0.68 -1.37 -1.68 -2.62 -2.58 -4.12 -4.14 -4.12 4.76 4.26
JNJ 181430000000.0 2.94 0.97 4.14 4.57 4.05 4.58 4.55 4.58 22713333333.33 -9.47 -3.26 -0.92 2.64 1.39 3.5 3.52 3.5 53190333333.33 65.33 18.24 11.5 8.96 10.82 8.75 9.32 8.75 465944108875.95 71368333333.33 3.76 1.24 5.15 0.3 1.08 0.96 0.46 0.96 13.51 13.29 11.02 20.5 19.58 15.82 17844333333.33 -14.07 -4.93 3.24 2.37 1.06 3.4 3.44 3.4 20332666666.67 -4.61 -1.56 3.83 0.76 0.61 2.28 2.33 2.28 0.01 302666666.67 25.26 26.24 26.32 19.66 19.98 20.17 22.38 22.34 24.05 418545108875.95 5.92 23.9 23.51 18.64 18.4 17.64 14.16 90434000000.0 1.25 0.41 3.08 3.72 2.76 3.22 3.23 3.22 12.65 19.88 21.27 20.82 32.48 88.83 96.63 108.17 120.21 126.25 124.13 2551453354.67 -7.93 -2.94 -2.14 -1.19 -1.91 -1.08 -1.1 -1.08 5.44 4.88
JPM 3761567666666.67 5.72 4.6 8.12 6.54 4.66 4.38 4.43 4.38 66059000000.0 -87.89 29.31 -3.64 17.95 -10.88 -2.47 5.62 -2.47 490306666666.67 -35.78 10.12 4.44 5.46 5.19 5.03 5.05 5.03 925704040018.77 304779000000.0 12.16 5.48 5.03 3.11 3.91 4.2 4.21 4.2 15.01 14.72 13.41 30.45 24.8 -5.34 45187333333.33 31.52 19.37 8.82 9.32 9.57 8.86 8.77 8.86 55780000000.0 33.46 19.82 8.61 7.26 8.05 7.28 7.29 7.28 0.17 78218333333.33 51.88 26.58 37.42 33.45 32.13 25.34 41.27 39.57 33.46 435397373352.11 1.43 9.67 10.23 9.03 15.61 22.97 12.85 136149333333.33 22.85 9.64 7.72 5.35 5.81 2.69 2.66 2.69 1.84 10.24 8.62 9.88 22.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2926493269.33 -1.44 -1.75 -2.76 -3.51 -2.98 -2.62 -2.56 -2.62 16.23 7.12
MMC 42177333333.33 8.88 13.27 17.35 14.43 11.63 9.72 9.84 9.72 3746333333.33 22.89 7.98 11.89 10.23 8.06 11.44 12.28 11.44 15801000000.0 -41.44 5.97 18.25 23.75 16.57 18.13 18.33 18.13 100023751003.31 11447000000.0 15.08 10.13 10.28 7.88 6.31 4.64 4.72 4.64 18.8 18.7 12.69 26.9 25.59 18.47 3316333333.33 23.15 23.05 17.88 10.74 11.03 12.18 13.33 12.18 4624666666.67 23.41 19.88 13.85 8.06 9.67 10.45 11.08 10.45 0.03 -497000000.0 17.73 17.65 14.5 15.7 14.15 11.37 21.88 20.17 17.52 86406751003.31 7.55 26.15 27.36 21.22 23.16 21.95 16.49 21092000000.0 9.73 9.7 8.75 7.29 6.45 5.46 5.63 5.46 10.12 15.11 16.3 17.07 36.15 145.03 136.07 120.13 0.0 0.0 0.0 499084661.33 -0.78 -0.88 -0.43 -0.69 -1.27 -0.95 -0.84 -0.95 4.33 3.75
MO 38349000000.0 4.37 -6.65 -7.07 0.42 1.25 1.81 1.97 1.81 8649333333.33 12.49 3.46 2.05 9.69 7.96 9.44 9.06 9.44 35879000000.0 -50.84 -3.81 15.0 18.27 6.65 9.78 10.21 9.78 103656938774.19 -3006333333.33 12.41 -29.37 -30.66 -16.22 -11.03 -7.44 0.25 -7.44 8.68 8.46 8.34 12.07 11.72 13.62 5456333333.33 41.05 22.21 3.14 -14.07 5.39 -0.32 0.71 -0.32 11675333333.33 -3.12 2.02 4.84 5.33 4.73 5.47 5.54 5.47 0.03 1069666666.67 34.38 32.89 23.13 21.9 15.17 21.3 46.36 44.41 35.29 71864605440.85 -27.92 16.85 17.45 11.78 8.34 8.18 10.88 25197333333.33 -2.44 -2.18 -0.7 0.03 -0.02 0.52 0.49 0.52 21.25 25.32 26.23 25.63 -154.48 59.4 48.21 37.63 59.76 49.11 40.88 1799269973.33 -1.31 -1.64 -1.2 -1.16 -1.24 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 12.05 8.52
MSFT 370198333333.33 12.92 10.99 9.74 10.22 10.16 10.59 10.63 10.59 84452333333.33 -1.63 13.01 14.82 15.19 11.64 11.78 12.75 11.78 68315000000.0 -52.56 -9.31 -9.13 8.58 8.25 15.56 13.37 15.56 2409156628517.55 171584333333.33 23.83 20.35 20.05 11.81 9.68 9.16 10.0 9.16 25.95 25.95 18.84 28.77 28.14 19.27 68790000000.0 -0.52 17.79 34.29 24.73 14.1 14.57 18.11 14.57 80607333333.33 6.16 18.68 20.35 19.73 13.75 13.69 15.73 13.69 0.0 0.0 43.96 43.82 39.86 35.76 34.44 26.32 41.81 39.88 32.93 2361794628517.55 13.98 34.7 34.95 28.65 28.22 27.41 18.35 192757666666.67 6.88 14.01 13.94 11.8 10.42 10.32 10.25 10.32 25.38 39.88 39.0 33.76 60.06 102.09 106.24 111.39 146.88 160.8 192.84 7515110058.67 -0.3 -0.57 -0.65 -0.92 -1.35 -1.31 -1.22 -1.31 3.73 3.63
PSX 69179000000.0 -1.23 11.33 6.81 4.31 4.98 3.54 3.68 3.54 7953000000.0 -34.99 49.33 -1.48 5.27 7.96 3.8 4.45 3.8 24943333333.33 -44.58 6.2 10.76 12.07 8.28 17.23 16.61 17.23 66178663543.25 28307333333.33 -7.2 18.58 5.12 1.49 4.34 1.56 1.61 1.56 8.08 4.5 6.46 8.44 10.82 10.27 6741333333.33 -36.45 58.06 4.27 -1.38 4.68 2.76 3.36 2.76 8616000000.0 -35.32 57.51 4.93 5.22 17.66 3.07 3.82 3.07 0.03 699000000.0 5.36 4.84 3.99 4.23 1.52 2.51 5.39 1.8 2.9 45436330209.92 1.6 10.26 11.3 10.17 5.91 7.33 7.83 146814666666.67 -14.69 31.78 5.59 1.3 -1.0 -4.2 -3.93 -4.2 13.22 19.0 16.07 14.83 36.24 22.09 17.7 18.86 31.19 25.79 25.43 450263328.0 -6.91 0.24 -0.94 -2.95 -2.86 -3.54 -3.54 -3.54 18.39 12.35
QCOM 41949333333.33 18.85 14.15 -5.63 -6.2 0.83 0.03 -2.1 0.03 8482000000.0 -13.67 7.68 12.71 0.33 0.4 3.86 1.69 3.86 15651000000.0 -1.67 -0.95 -6.7 2.26 0.0 0.0 2.26 0.0 168689300225.71 11346666666.67 81.04 54.24 -10.14 -29.39 -9.79 -14.28 -22.3 -14.28 15.88 17.67 14.01 21.03 20.39 14.31 9059000000.0 43.05 43.41 39.31 3.14 7.33 4.39 1.94 4.39 10634666666.67 62.02 27.42 43.42 3.46 9.12 6.54 2.17 6.54 0.04 -550333333.33 25.56 26.08 28.25 26.1 18.24 20.06 30.54 26.71 25.09 158570300225.71 17.57 20.58 24.37 18.15 19.78 19.28 14.3 33765666666.67 31.68 22.11 14.67 3.42 6.6 6.86 5.98 6.86 23.1 37.21 34.16 22.63 127.75 118.58 117.67 142.48 224.04 216.08 237.24 1125099989.33 -0.2 -0.61 -5.44 -6.09 -4.61 -4.31 -4.65 -4.31 5.53 5.15
SLB 44201000000.0 11.18 4.16 -7.42 -8.28 -3.63 -2.93 -2.72 -2.93 5002666666.67 78.41 31.12 3.04 -8.79 -5.64 -4.71 -3.34 -4.71 16326666666.67 -47.57 -10.85 -5.71 -1.93 -1.19 4.14 4.49 4.14 78873450313.39 18211333333.33 18.73 19.59 -10.2 -13.92 -6.21 -8.27 -8.01 -8.27 12.81 6.42 12.72 16.85 15.87 13.35 3231666666.67 22.42 34.03 14.45 8.56 -2.77 -7.31 -3.56 -7.31 3975666666.67 23.67 35.13 15.02 9.91 -4.02 -7.86 -3.12 -7.86 0.03 510666666.67 17.85 16.53 19.07 11.25 -6.28 1.13 13.83 -5.56 2.92 62546783646.72 3.39 19.75 21.56 18.47 13.19 11.71 10.67 28051666666.67 17.96 11.97 0.19 -4.1 -4.16 -2.54 -1.81 -2.54 11.77 14.9 12.69 13.72 32.82 1695.76 1506.98 501.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 1416360021.33 0.74 0.86 0.62 0.88 0.98 0.82 0.78 0.82 8.53 6.71
TROW 12143333333.33 5.45 4.83 9.81 12.06 9.02 10.99 11.01 10.99 2343500000.0 -48.33 -14.02 -5.52 28.74 -1.07 8.7 13.23 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27687264216.64 9332666666.67 7.39 7.96 9.63 10.5 0.0 0.0 10.5 0.0 20.02 12.08 8.87 12.81 12.73 28.45 2273500000.0 -53.23 -13.62 -1.73 9.61 -1.35 7.27 7.42 7.27 2971000000.0 -51.23 -12.69 -4.91 7.08 1.52 10.28 10.42 10.28 0.0 0.0 33.41 35.05 28.65 31.36 37.55 37.35 41.04 48.82 47.74 29469030883.31 3.16 14.66 12.28 11.95 13.77 13.61 31.02 6873600000.0 -0.43 1.34 3.76 7.47 5.52 9.27 9.41 9.27 20.57 27.91 30.85 25.02 27.91 178.67 190.5 183.75 326.24 343.56 230.6 226239333.33 0.0 -0.44 -1.47 -1.53 0.0 0.0 -1.53 0.0 7.89 8.44
UNH 243877000000.0 11.4 11.53 12.45 12.64 13.67 12.5 12.5 12.5 25872333333.33 10.92 9.44 13.09 16.2 15.33 14.22 14.28 14.22 74595333333.33 -45.74 12.89 11.34 14.49 15.27 16.44 16.61 16.44 526011884407.68 83638666666.67 15.93 11.38 11.69 12.98 12.6 10.79 10.83 10.79 16.75 16.04 10.42 20.49 19.3 14.2 20505000000.0 12.14 13.64 13.33 17.92 17.03 14.46 14.03 14.46 28254333333.33 13.8 13.03 13.28 13.78 13.6 11.91 11.77 11.91 0.04 -2332666666.67 7.89 8.02 6.86 6.26 6.18 5.13 8.6 8.53 7.97 474805551074.35 5.72 23.38 22.68 16.18 18.53 17.56 12.67 327793666666.67 14.64 13.06 10.43 10.64 12.33 11.34 11.08 11.34 11.84 18.81 20.25 18.51 34.44 279.4 264.02 238.99 279.4 264.02 233.86 933708330.67 -1.01 -0.85 -0.78 -0.43 -0.55 -1.27 -1.35 -1.27 5.44 4.93
General notes:
Caution:: 0 value in revenue means we do not have data for the year for the ticker
0 value most likely means we had a data issue and could not find the field value in the particular year
StockMarketPrice is the price of the Stock in December first week for the year mentioned(typically)

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